Hungry Fear

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The sky was filled with fire and smoke . And a man in the distance standing on the beach staring at the waves braking at his feet . And threw out the smoke Anubis sees a angel walking over to him. there a short puasse as smoke takes away his sight and when it passed he sees a man in a Cloke standing over the now dead angel . The wind lifts the cloak a bit to reavel a demon and out of his chest he pulles a dager and roars ouch was that supposed to hurt laughingly before his blood hungry eyes are turned to Anubis .
That's when he awakes still suspended in darkness still huanted by the faces of the world with a cold feeling shaking him
" Im afraid , I can't help it .I'm helpless I'm alone I'm afraid . I scream at the top of my Long's but there is no sound I try to move and my body reamins unchanged . I try not to think not to dream to just pretend to be dead hoping it would make it easier my thoughts won't stop screaming yelling scratching in my mind to excape like rats . Help me , HELP ME I MUMBLE TO THE emptyness to the darkness . The darkness is overwhelming . But this loneyniss this silence is hell "
He starts to cry for the first time in his life tears of true ramors true compassion . The tears like rives . Washed the sands from his face . He was to emotional to see it and kept crying for lost love for those he laid to rest . He cried for all dose he did not know but burried with compassion . He cried for a world lost with no love he cried for not trying to help save it when he had the chance and meluniems of knowledge and wisdom .
Blinded by a light so bright when he opened his eyes . Hearing waves feeling warmer than he has felt in a long time
He drags his hands through the sand under his fingers and felt, felt the vanes of the earth in his palm .
He just laide there this the sun was about to set painting the sky in a warm red glow . Confused and happy Anubis was . Realived he was when he started moving looking over the plans siting on a black sanded beach and sapphire blue water that it was not an Alison of his mind . But disappointed for not being dead. Awaiting the silent   abisse of death is all one could one await for .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2018 ⏰

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