Chapter 28

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  • Dedicated to Kalei Hanog and Ka'ai Naluai


Run. Just run. That's all I ever did. I ran away when my dad hit me. I ran away when I didn't know where Charlotte was. I ran away when John didn't care about me. Running was the only thing that I could do. I kept going forcing my lungs to keep strong. I didn't know where I was going but I kept running. I needed to get to a place that I've always been safe. I searched my mind when I found my solution. I needed to get to school.

School has always been a safe place for me. My parents were never there to yell at me or hurt me. No one ever picked on me because I was never "worthy of their time and energy". I was allowed to feel safe and secure at school. I went to the front doors praying they would be unlocked. To my amazement, they were. I pushed open the door and went inside.The halls were empty and quiet. Most kids would think I was crazy for wanting to be here but no one really understood. I was heading to the school library because I knew that the reading room had a comfortable sofa to sit on. I was walking past Mr. Crench's room when I noticed a figure inside. I thought it was some janitor just cleaning up but then I heard the figure mutter something about grades and I knew it was Mr. Crench.

I open the door a crack and peeked inside. I tried my best to be quiet but it was no use. Mr. Crench heard me and turned his head to see me. I thought he would be upset but he smiled just a little when his eyes hit mine.

"Ah Aaron, come in." He invited me.

I walked into the empty classroom and sat at one of the desks in the front. It is scary being alone with a teacher at school but it felt alright if it was Mr. Crench. He stopped grading his papers and put his pencil down before looking at me.

"Why are you here Aaron? School is out and everyone is long gone." He asked me.

"With all due respect sir, I could ask you the same question." I responded.

"Well I guess you can," Mr. Crench said with a heavy sigh. "I am simply here because I have a lot of work to do. Also the quiet rooms help me think more clearly."

"I was going to say the same thing. I always thought better when I was left alone to my thoughts, but now my thoughts are eating me alive. I just wanted to relax and calm down." I said.

"And you chose the school as your resort?" He asked seriously but I could detect a hint of sarcasm in there.

"It's the safest place I know," I whispered to him.

Mr. Crench was silent for a little bit after I said this. It really isn't something that you speak about in public but I just felt so comfortable. I told Mr. Crench about my father and Charlotte and John and everything that was going on in my life. He sat there silently just listening to my story. When I explained that I felt John was using me so I left, he finally interrupted.

"Do you have a place to stay tonight besides your house?" He asked me.

I shook my head no at his question. I could have easily lied and just sneak into the library like I originally planned to do but the truth needed to be heard. I couldn't lie to him.

"Aaron, I think I should grade these papers another time. Are you hungry?"

I nodded my head yes. Running here made me work up an appetite.

"Well my wife is having a nurse from the hospital coming over. Perhaps you'd like to join us. There is even a guest bedroom that you could stay in if you wish."

Mr. Crench stood up from his desk and looked me in the eye waiting for my answer. I thought about my other options when I realized I had none.

"I'd love to join you and your wife for a meal." 

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