Chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to Kalei Hanog and Kaʻai Naluai


The next day, I looked everywhere for him. I went to every room and asked every nurse if they saw John Greyson. I didn’t know who his nurse was but I remember seeing someone wearing the uniform when he walked out. I wished I paid better attention to her features because she was the only connection that I had to John. I remembered seeing minor pieces of her. She obviously had light brown hair and she was definitely a younger nurse. I couldn’t tell much more because she was in her nurse coat, which shows nothing more about the person wearing it.

I was getting tired of searching, but I knew that I would have to find him eventually. I saw a nurse working on some paperwork and I figured I might as well ask one more person. I trudged to her filled with false hope that maybe she knew about John. I walked up to her and for a second, she looked familiar.

“Excuse me miss, but do you know a patient named John Greyson?”

She looked up at me and smiled. She nodded her head then said yes as if to clarify what the nod meant.

“Actually yes I do. John was one of the patients I was assigned to.” She said.

“Where is John right now” I asked her.

“He was checked out of the hospital three days ago now.”

“That’s impossible. I saw him yesterday and I swear you were with him.” When I said it, I realized this was true. She was the nurse with John.

“John was in here but he was getting a watch he left in the library. Between you and me, I think he left it on purpose. He ended up really liking the library more than he would admit. However I am somewhat curious about something. I think you can help me figure it out.”

“I guess I can try. What do you want to know?”

“Well I could figure that John somewhat liked the library, but his face genuinely lit up when he saw you. It was adorable, but it made me wonder if you guys knew each other.”

“I actually only met John less than a week ago. I don’t really know him on a personal level.”

“Would you like to?” The nurse asked with a twinkle in her eyes.

“What do you mean?” I was beginning to get confused.

“I could see it in John’s eyes. He likes you. He really likes you. I know it’s against the rules, but I have a way that you can see him again. It can get me fired, but I believe it’s worth it. I believe that you like him too. So do you want to know him on a personal level?”


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