Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Kalei Hanog and Kaʻai Naluai


I went back to the library for three more days in a row without seeing the boy. I told myself that if I didn’t find him, I would give up on trying to see the boy again. He probably thought that I would be back to see him again. There were no mirrors, but even I knew that the sight of me was enough to scare off any guy from coming back. I decided it was probably for the best that I never would see him again. I went back to my room because I realized I still had my Sherlock Holmes book. I opened it up for the first time and started to read.

The thing with Sherlock Holmes is that you have to be patient when reading. The book that was brought in was called: “The Hound of the Baskervilles”. The beginnings of these books are kind of slow, but they are usually worth it at the end. I got to the part where the case was being presented to Mr. Holmes and already was getting tired of it. The only reason I kept reading it is because I wanted to know what the answer to the mystery was. The case was interesting enough, but the details can seem a little boring sometimes. I could have just skipped to the end, but I always refused to do so. I finally finished the story  (It was a possible heir to the throne who did it). It was time for another book. I asked a nurse what time it was and she said it was 3:45. I wasn't sure about the time that I last saw him, but why shouldn't I believe he was there. I know it was a stupid thought, but I was still hoping I might see him.

I got to the door of the library and took a deep breath in. I brought the book in close to my chest and hugged it. I knew the chances of him being inside weren’t big, but a small hope was better than none. I was about to touch the knob when it began to move on its own. I didn’t want to get hit by the door so I took a step back. A few seconds later, my mystery boy came out. Now that he was standing, I saw a lot more of him. He definitely was taller than me, but it was a good size. My head looked like it would fit right under his chin. I looked up at him and actually noticed him for once. I made eye contact with this stranger, but it wasn’t an awkward feeling. I looked into his brown eyes and found something I haven’t found for awhile. I found actual happiness. In a second, I thought about what it would be like to be with this stranger.

I snapped out of those thoughts and tried to speak. My words came out more like sounds. I tried to say hi to him, but my brain was all jumbled up. He smiled at my lame attempt and then said hi to me. Our conversation was short and useless and then I realized I had nothing to really say. I had never had human contact like this before in the past year. I needed to find a way out of this. I quickly said bye to this boy completely forgetting to ask for his name. I turned to go back to my room and after a few steps, he called out to me.

“You’re really gonna leave without telling me your name?” he asked with one of his friendly and wicked smiles.

“Charlotte, Charlotte Claire” I answered with a smile of my own. “Yours?”

“I’m John.  John Greyson.”   

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