Chapter 3

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Rasheka's pov

Tasheka came over to my house to chill out for the day and we were sitting on my bed talking about some things. And she started asking me some questions. "Do you really love Tamoi with all your heart?", said Tasheka. 'Yes I love him with all I got", I said smiling like a lunatic. "Do you think he loves you the same?", said Tasheka looking serious now. "Yes I have no doubts", I said confidently. "Do you think he's cheating?", she said. "No Tamoi would never do anything to hurt me", "You still have the extra key to his house right?", she said. "Yes its right over there", I said pointing to where it is. "Wanna pay Tamoi a visit?", Tasheka. "Wait I have to tell Tamoi I'm coming", I said grabbing my phone. "No don't let's surprise him", Tasheka. "Okay I'm up for it", I said getting up. I grab Tamoi house key, my house, my car key and my phone then went outside and we jumped into my car. Thirty minutes later we arrived at Tamoi's house and we saw Khadonie car parked outside. "What's Khadonie's car doing here?", Tasheka said looking curious. "I don't know let's go inside and find out", I said giving the same look. I parked the car then quietly walk to the door and pull it. We went inside and quietly went upstairs when we were near Tamoi's room we heard moaning the closer we walk is the louder the moaning gets. When we reached the room Tasheka burse open the door just to see Khadonie on top of Tamoi. I went and gave Tamoi a hit in his face and Tasheka punch Khadonie just hard enough to burse her mouth. Tears started running down my eyes. "I'm sorry babe it's not what it looks like I don't want her I want you", Tamoi. " Don't you fucking babe me you slut. Why did you do this? Huh why did you cheat on me?", I shouted with anger and hurt mix. "I'm sorry I'm really really sorry", Tamoi. "Your words are meaningless. All this time you were fooling around with this bitch ass traitor. This explains what you were doing in the room, why she called you bae and why you were acting weird when I came and give you a surprise visit. Maybe she was here with you!!", I said still shouting. Khadonie was there still on top of Tamoi not making a sound then Tasheka punch her in the face again. "Now to you little bitch ass whore. You said you were her friend but still you went around fucking her boyfriend", Tasheka said."Still speechless", Khadonie. "And for you Tamoi I can't be your girlfriend anymore. Its over we're done let's just pretend we never met I hate you", I said punching him in the nose. We walked out Tamoi's house, went into my car and drove off. When we were at my house I parked my car and went inside then walked straight to my room. I was crying allot then Tasheka gave me a napkin to blow my nose then hugged me and started talking. "I'm really sorry about what happen just try to heal your heart and start over with someone new but don't give that person your heart so easily", she said while giving me a kiss on my forehead. "Great idea Tash you're the bestest friend a girl could ever ask for. Thanks for being there for me. A girl can do without a boyfriend but a girl can never be without a bestie I love you Tasheka", I said in a crying voice. Thirty minutes later I drove Tasheka home then went back home and lay on my bed then cried myself to sleep.

The next day

Tavonie's pov

I'm here laying on my bed thinking about the few weeks of summer left and I felt depressed. I still couldn't find the courage to tell Rasheka I liked her,I almost did yesterday but then I stopped myself. I woke up at about 8:30 feeling my phone vibrate like a million times. Sigh,WhatsApp groups," I thought to my myself." I checked the phone to see 5 missed calls from Rasheka and 30 texts. At first I thought I was still asleep or I was on drugs because this amount of attention from one girl meant one thing. "Trouble" I wondered what was wrong now so I decided to ask. "Hey. You okay?", I said. "No I'm not", she replied. "What's wrong?", I ask getting worried. "My bf cheated on me😭",she said. At this point I was happy because she was single but sad that she was hurt. That's when the last text made my heart jump. Felt like I was the happiest guy on earth. "You know that I liked you allot for a long while now but I was afraid to tell you. You wanna be my boyfriend?", she asked. I paused for a moment before replying. I was so shock I didn't know she even liked me. But obviously I said yes. I finally got to be with the girl of my dream. In my eyes she's the most beautiful girl on earth. I promise from this day fort I will love her with all I got and hold on to her no matter what we go through.


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