Chapter 5

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2 years and 7 months later
Rasheka's POV
Hey guys so Tasheka, Tavonie and I are now nineteen years old. If you were wondering how, well Tasheka and I was borned October 7 and Tavonie was borned September 27 so yeah our asses gonna be 20 this year yaay we're getting old. Let me update you guys on Khadonie so yes she had her child its a girl, she still haven't got Tamoi to support her, she drop out of school she had the baby May 4, 2014. I don't hate her anymore but she can't be my friend. Tasheka and Keywong are dating for one year now he'll be 21 this year by the way. So with me and Tavonie now we've had a rough 2 years, break ups, make ups, doubts, dishonesty and so on. I don't think the boy I loved is still there, I'll be honest yes I cheated on Tavonie but he did first I know that was childish but I had to. So now we're in April and I have a feeling Tavonie is cheating on me again he's been flirting with this girl Khristallia allot but he doesn't know that I know she's his happiness. I won't say anything until I find solid proof which I'm getting close to, only person knows that I know is Tasheka. So Tasheka and myself are working at a airline company we're travel agents. Although I recently got a promotion to be the Accounting Manager my dream come through *smiles*, I have been working and living in my own house since I was 18, enough about me.


While laying on the coach reading I saw Tavonie walking from the hall way in only his boxers just finish taking his shower I guess. "Hey babe you know where my black shoe is?", he said while drying his hair. "I think I saw it in the closet go look for it and you better hurry its 7:00am, you're suppose to be there by nine", right after I said the time Tavonie ran off to our room. About forty minutes later he came back in the living room elegantly dress in his black pant, black shoes, black jacket and white long sleeve under shirt also with his brief case, if you were wonder yes my stupid boyfriend is a lawyer. He was in so much hast he kissed me on my head and not my lips. As soon as Tavonie went through the I got up to get the broom and start cleaning since it my day off. I went to the kitchen, got the broom and start cleaning the room Tavonie and I share. As I reached inside I heard a phone ringing on the night stand, I looked down and saw mine in my hands, I decided to answer and tell whosoever it is that Tavonie left his phone. When I looked on the callers ID it said My Happiness I just ignored that and answered same way.
*Phone Convo*
My happiness "hey bae I was just wondering if you're still going to stop at my house tonight to make some love before you go home to your bitch of a girlfriend."
Me "excuse me little slut if I was you I'd stop calling my damn man phone and jump in front a car Bye bitch", I said hanging up in her ears while getting heated. I ain't gonna make Tavonie's little bitch spoil my day.

30mins later
I am now finish with cleaning the whole house. I am about to take a shower to give my boy best friend ' Fabian ' a surprise visit. After doing my routine I made sure to take up mines and Tavonie's phone, my car Key's and locking the doors. Since Fabii didn't live far I reach their in ten minutes time. I parked my car and went to ring the door bell in two minutes time my little Teddy Bear appeared in front of me. " Teddy!!!!!", I shouted while jumping into Fabian's arms. "Omg!!! Boo bear!!! I missed you!", Fabian shouted back with the same excitement. " You can't imaging how much I've missed you Fabii", I said closing the front door and walking inside. "No I can't but I do know I miss you more *smiles* , so what's up with life, you and Tavonie and so on?",he asked while sitting on the coach beside and taking off my slippers and putting my feet on his lap. " Well life is life is challenging, and Tavonie and I are breaking up by the time he gets home from his side chicks house after sexing her", I said being cool about the situation. "Wow you need some milk in your coffee Rash cause that coffee is too damn black I'm sorry to hear though but you better make him pay", he said while giving my feet a relaxing rub sending me to sleep.

8hrs later
I am now home sitting on the coach in the dark waiting for Tavonie to come home so I can make him pay. About thirty minutes later I heard his car pull up I quickly fold the leader belt and stand behind the door. As Tavonie stepped in and close the door I started beating him from every angle none stop. *Whack whack* so you fucking Khristallia now *whack whack* I told you not to cheat again or you'll pay for it. He started screaming I'm sorries and I didn't mean to in pain. *Whack whack* keep your lying words *whack whack whack* to your *whack whack* self.

After about a hour of beating him none stop, I turn on the lights and he was bruised I just smiled to myself. I kicked him in the back cause him to fall on his face too weak from all that beating. " You better start packing your shit from tonight because I want you out my house early tomorrow morning", I said. As he got up I gave him six more hits on his legs before going to my room shouting, "Bitch you better hurry unless you want a next round".

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