Art and Letters

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I climb up the rope ladder to the tree house and sit down on the dusty wood floor.

I call Zack, hoping to hear good news. Nothing. My mind wanders to Dillion and Krissy despite my mental protests.

My phone buzzes and I check it.

Hey :) ~Krissy

Here we go again.

Hey ~Levi

Wanna come over? Alli went home :/ ~Krissy

Sure ~Levi

See ya in a few. ~Krissy

Why did I say yes. Why the hell did I say yes. Don't be awkward, Levi, don't be awkward.

I hear a horn honk a few minutes later and I see Krissy's car.

I jump down the ladder, walking over to her car.

" Hello, Governor. " She rests her arm on the wheel.

" How'd you drive over here with your foot all screwed up?"

" I... Managed... Used my other foot... Sorta. " She laughs.

I open the door, sitting down in the front seat. "Just don't crash, okay? No more injuries for you."

She raises an eyebrow. " You aren't concerned about you? "

I shrug.

" Hmm. " Is all she says and starts driving off.

"So why did Alli leave?"

" Her dad wanted to talk to her before he left... She was kinda iffy about it though. "

"Makes sense."

" She didn't wanna go at first but I told her it might be a good thing, talking to him. "

I nod. "They need to make up."

" Yeah.. "

A song was faintly playing on the radio and she turns it up just a little more and I recognized the song as You Found Me by The Fray.

I turn and I see Krissy's lip moving. She was singing along but you could barely hear her.

I smile, turning it up louder than before.

" If you didn't like my voice you could've just said so, you ass. " She sticks her tongue out.

"I turned it up so you would sing louder."

" Well I will take back my ass comment." She smiles. She sings a bit louder now.

I laugh a bit, "Mmhmm."

We pull up in the driveway and she gets out, hopping on her good foot to get to the door.

"Where are your crutches?" I ask, walking ahead to open the door.

" Thanks.. " She says, hopping in. " In my room. Don't need them to drive, do I? " She smirks.

"Might need them to walk though."

" I'm perfectly happy hopping like a bunny. "

I crack a smile, "Okay then."

" Okay. " She smiles back, shutting the door behind me. " Something to drink? Eat? "

"Nah I'm good."

" Okay then. " She opens the fridge and grabs a bottle of water, limping back to the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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