Chapter 2

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Nick's P.O.V

After a 10 minute car ride in silence, we arrived at Starkid Manor. The crew was already there waiting. When the 5 of us walked inside, Lauren jumped up.

"Sarah, what happened to you?!"

Lauren ran up to her and hugged her.

"David?" she asked. Sarah nodded.

"Lauren? You know Sarah??" Why is everyone know about her being here but me?

Lauren shot me an apoligetic look, before sitting down.

"Ok, we will explain later, but right now Sarah and Nick, they are gonna go to Nick's room to well...fix somethings." said Matt.

Joe, Brian, Julia, Jaime, Meredith, Joey, AJ, Eric, Jeff, Chris, and Denise all gave us a questional look. Lauren looked liked she already knew, and was looking at Sarah determinly.

Sarah's P.O.V

Lauren and I had grown extremely close over the past few months, and she knew me pretty well. When Matt said Nick and I were gonna talk, she immeditally shot me a look that read "Are you sure?" I sighed and nodded.

"Sarah?" I looked up to see Nick standing there awkwardly, leading the way to his room. 

Well, better get this over sooner or later.

We walked up the stairs to Nick's room, and went inside. As soon as we walked in, I knew automatically that it could be his. There were Nimja Turtle statues, My Little Pony videos, and a lot ofrandom pictures. 

Nick walked over to his closet and started looking for some thing, while I started looking at photos on his night table. Out of the 4 frames sitting there, one caught my eye. I picked it up.

The photo was a pick of Nick and I, when we were about 12. It was his 12th birthday party, and all he had wanted was to have me over for the day and just hang out. The picture was one that his mom took of us. Nick and I were sitting at the edge of the pond near our neighborhood, with his arm around me. 

"I remember that day." I jumped. Nick was standing behind me.

"That's one of my favorite memories. Best birthday I've ever had Sarah."

I turned around to see Nick holding his highschool sweater that had been about 5x too big when he had gotten it.

"You had taken this sweater from my closet so many times, I told you you could have it." He handed me the sweat shirt, that still after all these years was too big for me. He gestured for me to sit down on the bed while he sat down on the chair by his desk.

"Sarah-" I cut him off.

"Nick, you forgot about me. You promised me Nick, you promised me.." I had been so angry for so long. I needed to get this out.

"I know. I know and I'm so sorry Sarah. I'm so sorry. I deserve evry hit you throw at me. I tried looking for you, I swear. But the place you were staying in in GA said that you had left.. I tried looking for you back home but your parents hadn't seen you. Neither did your brother! I tried to find you Sarah. I'm so sorry." He held his head in his hands.

"Nick, you know that you're still my best friend, right? It's just, I don't know if I can completely trust you anymore." I didn't know what to do. I knew I wanted my best friend back though.

Nick looked up from his chair, and jumped up and sat next to me on his bed. He grabbed my hands.

"I understand that Sarah. I really do. Please. I just want you to belive me."

I hadn't seen Nick in about 10 years in person, and we hadn't spoken at all in about 4 years. I knew that it had to end though.

"I, I forgive you Nick." As soon as the words left my mouth, Nick wrapped his arms around me in a hug. I returned it.

"Thank you Birdie, thank you." 

Nick let me go, and I slipped on the hoodie that he had given me. It was so big it went past my cast. 

"Hey, instead of me sleeping in Matt's room, and him taking the couch, can I stay in here? Do the Disney marathon we used to do?" I thought we could use this chance to catch up.

"I'd love that Sarah. Now, c'mon. Let's go outside so they don't think we're killing each other." Nick and I walked out of his room and down the stairs. Matt was the first one to notice us.

"She's wearing the hoodie, YES SUCCESS! They made up." Everyone in the room cheered.

"Haha very funny guys." said Nick. 

"Well, I'm just glad you made up guys. Ready to explain to these doofs everything?" asked LAuren.

Nick and I shrugged. He went and sat in the last spot on the couch, pulling me to sit on his lap. Matt gave Nick a look, but I shrugged it off.

"Well, time for a story guys." said Nick.

Here we go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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