Escaping The nightmare

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Small trigger warning⚠️ There is slapping, Punching and swearing in this book so if you are not okay with that then you can skip to chapter two because 'you' do end up explaining everything to Shane and everyone else in a less triggering way⚠️

Elizabeth's P.O.V
My cheek burned as I was slapped across the face for the 3 time tonight.

"YOU LIKE THAT YOU LITTLE BITCH YOU LIKE THAT! THIS IS FOR TRYING TO RUN AWAY AGAIN!!!" Jerry (my step dad) yelled at me. I tried to run away from home for the 3 time this week hints the three slaps I got, my mom has given up on trying to make him stop and as a 13 year old little girl there really isn't much I can do.

So I just don't respond,

"No comment?!? Go to your room and don't come back till tomorrow morning!" he yelled at me again.

I turn away from him and I walk down the dark hallway to the old weak staircase that lead to my room in the basement. I like to think that because I sleep down here I'm not scared of most stuff people are scared of so like ghosts and I don't know Demons I guess.

My room was plan and small, there's a twin bed in the corner of the room with an old mattress, thin blanket, and a pillow on the bed, beside my bed there was a night stand table with a lamp on it, of course that was my only light beside the small window in here that did practical nothing, there was a dresser with my small amount of clothes in it and on top of it my mother bought in some water.

I walk over to my bed and start to cry but no sound comes out of my mouth. All I can feel is the tears falling out of my eyes and runs across my red cheek.

There's no time to cry!!!!

I tell myself as I get back up and walk over to my dresser to grab the water. I look down into the glasse and then cup one of my hands and pour it on to my hand then toss it on my face.

"ahhh..." I exhale calmly.

Before my father past away he always used to tell me that 'the cold truth of water will wash away the pain and lies' so when ever I'm stressed or under pressure I splash water on my face, it's weird but it works.

I walk over to my small dirty mirror and look at myself,

Change into something you can run in,

My brain said, I was currently in some leggings black broken runners and a black short sleeve top. I guess I could change into some different shoes and change my top.

I look at my clock and see that it's 6:30pm so I walk over to my dresser and pull out a kind of funky looking jacket. It was blue, green, black, and purple.

^^^^^The jacket she's wearing is what I just explained

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The jacket she's wearing is what I just explained.

I pull the jacket over my shoulders and then put it on properly. After that I grab a pair of red high top converse that I thrifted and put them on.

Leave leave leave leave leave...

I whisper to myself as I stare at the small window. Nows my chance to run away and run away fast. I look back at the clock...


"2 hours and then I'll leave" I say to myself and start to walk to the bottom drawer of my dresser and I pull out my drawing book with a pencil and then walk to my bed to wait.

Two hours later...

It's 8:38, Time to go...

I whisper to myself. I close my drawing book and walk to the window. I reach up and unlock it so that I can crawl through it and then run.

Slowly but surely I get out from my nightmare of a room and the next thing I know I start booking it.
YAY first chapter is written and being read by you!!!!!! Who ever is reading this I hope you enjoyed!!! Shane is in the next chapter and I'm sooooooo exited to write it!!!

Adopted by Shane Dawson and Ryland AdamsWhere stories live. Discover now