What should we do?

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Shane's P.O.V
I watch Elizabeth and morgen walk out of the room and then look back at all the shocked faces.

"Shane..." Ryland started

"I KNOW! I know, but she was abused by her stepdad and she ran away apparently and all this other stuff happened that she was gonna tell me but I shut her down because I didn't want her to cry!" I said

" well I mean I don't live here but Shane you do know she's gonna cost money right?" Garrett said

"I know but I mean we aren't gonna keep her are we?" I say then turning to Ryland

"Okay well don't ask me I don't know half of what just happened!" He defended himself

All of a sudden morgen walked into the room with a frown on her face.

"What happened? is she okay!?" I ask

"They kept her in a basement with a broken bed, I don't think she's had a good night sleep
In a looooong time" she said

Everyone in the room went quiet after that remark thinking about what to do.

"I feel like we should give her to the adoption industry." Ryland said

"No, I don't want her in the industry, she's to sweet and she seems to trust us, maybe we should keep her and then see what happens?" Morgen said disagreeing with Ryland and looking at me

"Ryland I'm sorry but I agree with morgen, maybe we should get to know her first and then we'll figure out what to do." I said

"I agree with Shane" Garrett said

"Me too" Andrew said

"K then it's settled we keep her and then we'll see what we do next later" Ryland said

After he said that I stand up to go check on Elizabeth because I don't hear her making any noises so I walk over to her room. I knock on the door and nobody answers so I open the door a little to see she past out in her dirty clothes still on which ahem MEEEE but I open the door  all the way and walk over to her and pull the blanket over her then I walk over to the door and shut it turning the lights off.

" is she okay?" Ryland asks which made me jump a little.

"Ahh! Oh my GOD Ryland don't scare me like that! Also yes she's okay. She fell asleep so if you wanted to talk to her then you can talk to her tomorrow." I say with a smile on my face knowing he wanted to get to know her.

"Okay...  also Andrew left and Garrett fell asleep on the couch so I'm gonna go upstairs and sleep too." Ryland said

"Night, I'm gonna be up there soon just gotta do something fast." I say

"Okay love you" he said and kissed me

"Love you too!" I said kissing him back.

So that was part three!!! I know it was short but I feel like I ended it on a good note so yay!!

Adopted by Shane Dawson and Ryland AdamsWhere stories live. Discover now