CHAPTER 43-The Realm of The Reka

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They are so oblivious to everything.

Like a group of people who strolls into the room filled with jugs of water, but all they can do is look around for a glass to pour it into!

LoG, 422

Radan crouched even lower on the gnarly branch of the crooked tree trunk. He had to admit his eyes were not as sharp as they used to be. Still, even as the unrelenting fog refused to dissolve, the acorn-man could discern four silhouettes entering The River Tebesum.

Everything was going according to plan.

The small circular shape under his hat chimed twice. He raised his arm absentmindedly and placed the object on his palm. Four familiar faces were looking at him, bearing different facial expressions.

The brown-haired boy seemed spirited enough, yet slightly worried. That could not be said for The Queen Tree. She looked debilitated and weary. The bird struck him as amused, which wasn't often true for Malik. Something entertaining must have happened to him and Radan couldn't help himself but smile back. The gigantic pale lizard, with a huge ugly circular Etching on one of his six ears, simply squinted several times.

It reminded Radan of a certain defiant little girl. He felt a bit guilty for leaving her to her own devices. Squinty will be fine. He reassured himself. It was a good decision to make.

Turning to the waiting group, he launched a courteous, conversation-starting question at them: "So? How is everything?"

"Hahaha! Just listen to this guy!" Malik fell on his back and flapped his wings and tiny feet in glee. "Here we are, The Assembly. The five most important people in The Squareworld right about now, making crucial decisions that may or may not affect the lives of every Tom, Dick and Harry who inhabit this wretched plane. And he is all tea-at-five politeness and chivalry. I like you, man."

"Begin? Radan?" the brown-haired youth muttered quietly. The Dog Trainer noticed that he had blue bags under his eyes.

"Yes, please, as far as I'm concerned," The Queen Tree said under her breath. "I don't know how long I will be able to keep this connection a secret."

"Basil?" Radan checked in with the axolotl. 

The old white lizard gave Radan a wide toothless smile. "Don't mind me, sonny. I will adapt. We may start whenever you want. I am looking forward to chatting with you fellas. It is a long time no seen and I have been quite lonely in this cave. Quite, quite lonely ...  Ah, back when The Squareworld was young and when I could ..."

Radan coughed, in order to get his attention, and Basil got the hint. "Ah yes, but I digress, as always. Pardon the senile, sentimental old fool, will you? Let us proceed with the meeting."

"I shall begin, then," Radan started in a pleasant voice. "I will speak slowly so Sobik can pick everything up by lip reading. The group has just entered The Realm of The Reka. They are still to leave, true, but I trust in Squinty."

"Was it wise to entrust it all to that little girl, Radan?" After having said that, Basil flew into a coughing fit and several droplets of thick phlegm peppered the cave flooring.

His interlocutors reacted differently on the pocket ViewWall. Some of them pretended they hadn't seen that, while others openly grimaced in disgust.

"She will be able to fulfil the task, I am certain of it." The enigmatic smile of the acorn man calmed them all down. Radan was known for his plots, schemes and last-minute machinations. Yet in the end, everything would somehow sort itself out.

"Nalina?" the boy inquired, not without angst.

"She is fine." The Queen Tree allowed herself a small smile. "She is sleeping in a Spirit Pod as we speak. We will send her on her way the following Light so be ready."

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