Big News

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The young Hatter was at a loss on so many levels, that she was sure she was probably drowning. Sure there were all the signs, like craving for absurd things (example: cake followed by a good serving of sausage links dipped in sour cream), and the persistent nausea every morning, and the intense mood swings, but still, to see it before her eyes was mind boggling. She knew the doctor was speaking words, and she knew she should probably be listening, but the blood rushing to her head and her heart being stupid was taking away her attention. Out of all the things to happen at 21, being pregnant was not at the top of Sophie's list.

"Ms. Hatter? Are you listening?" The sweet nurse Miss Mattie asked, standing patiently in front of Sophie. She snapped out of her shock and looked up at the nurse. "No, sorry, I wasn't..."

Miss Mattie smiled and began to explain what and what not to eat, and how to be more careful with her body and such things like that. "Will you be raising the child alone or with someone?" The nurse asked. Sophie bit her lip and her gaze fell to the floor. If Howl storms out or something, which could be a possibility, then the child would be raised alone. But Sophie doesn't want to think such thoughts, and decides to be optimistic. "With someone."

Miss Mattie nodded and said, "Alright then. Thank you for your time Ms. Hatter. I suggest you take these papers home with you, and also to come back in a three months to have a check-up. Have a nice day!" Sophie stood up, her world spinning around her, or maybe the opposite (she couldn't really tell at the moment), and she took the papers, and walked out to the front desk to pay.

Who was she going to tell first? She knew she was going to have to tell Howl sooner or later, considering he kind of helped create this whole ordeal. The choices she had left were to tell her sisters or her mom, or the Witch of the Waste, but the Witch of the Waste would would wiggle her eyebrows excessively, and make a dozen or so suggestive remarks before the conversation ended. She could also tell Markl or Calcifer, but heavens knows those two couldn't even keep a secret even if their life depended on it. Guess she could tell Martha or Lettie then. After a moment of thinking, she thought she should probably tell her mom too.

But what was she going to say? Would she just waltz in and say 'Hello dear family! Just to let you know, I'm pregnant! With the heart eating wizard Howl as the father nonetheless!' She almost snorted. Maybe she should leave who the father in question is out of the conversation.

About twenty minutes of walking later, with the few papers folded neatly in the big pocket of her purse, she reached the Hatter shop, the only one she knows and loves. She hesitantly knocked on the door, and waited, as she heard Lettie shout 'one moment please!'. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. Before Sophie could scuttle away and run back to the castle, the door slammed open, revealing Lettie finishing off the last of a conversation with a costumer behind her. "Sophie? What are you doing here?"

Sophie decided that she was going to just be straightforward. Beating around the bush took far too long. "Lettie, there's something important I need to tell you." Lettie furrowed her brows, confused, and let her in. "Well what is it Sophie? Is something going on?"

Sophie nodded and smiled uneasily before requesting a quieter place to talk. Letter grabbed her hand, and led her up the stairs, where customers weren't allowed. "Okay Sophie, what's going on? You're acting strange." Sophie gulped before turning her gaze away and muttering, "I'm pregnant."

Sophie was really hoping Lettie had not heard her, but luck was not on her side, and Lettie had heard her perfectly. "You're what?!" Lettie nearly shrieked. "How many weeks along are you?" She asked, lowering her voice. "About four."

Lettie blinked a dozen times before asking even quieter, "Sophie, who's...well, who's the father?" Sophie sighed. Of course he sister would immediately ask this! But its not like she wasn't expecting this. "Well," she paused, chewing on her lower lip, "the Wizard Howl."

Lettie choked on her breath and Sophie could nearly feel concern radiating from her younger sister. "How long have you and him been...together?"

Sophie had to think over that question. They officially (or something like that) had been together for a little over a year, and things started getting rated terribly innapropriate for kids about seven months ago. "A little over a year." Sophie managed to answer, trying to suffocate a blush that was making its way to the surface. "But he's...Howl! Having children with anyone else would've been fine, but with just seems like he's going to hurt you in the end Sophie."

Lettie squeezed her hands, trying to display her annoying worries, before running back downstairs to help their mother. Scratch that on telling mother. Telling Lettie was exhausting enough. Sophie sighed for what seemed to be the 100th time that day, and quietly exited the shop, managing to go unnoticed. But what if her sisters worries were right, and Howl was going to run away from this?

Back at the castle, everything was in order, except for Calcifers suspicious glare. "What took you so long? You said you were gonna get food, and two hours later, you come back with nothing!" Sophie inwardly groaned and sunk into the chair. "Do you promise not to tell Howl?"

Calcifer slowly nodded, his brows furrowing. What could possibly be going on? "Well I went to the hospital today, and I found out...I found out that I'm pregnant."


"What?" Two voices said in unison. Her breath hitched in her throat when she turned her head slowly to the left, seeing the Howl had just come through the front door, setting his jacket on the railing. "Did you just say you're prgenant?" Sophie gave the slightest nod.

Howl walked over to her, while her vision began to blur and her sisters words swam through her head. She was just about ready to make a dash for her bedroom, and lock herself in there for the night, when something unexpected happened. Howl had leaned down and hugged her. "That's amazing Sophie!"

He was overjoyed! She had been worried for nothing...she felt stupid for not trusting him now. She blinked away her blurry vision, and smiled, leaning into his hug. "How far along are you in it?" He asked, taking a seat on the armrest of the chair. "About a month."

Letties earlier doubts faded from her mind, as she soaked in the happiness in the moment. Of course this would happen. Why wouldn't Howl be happy with something he had a big part in making? She was positivite his ego wouldn't make him think any less. She took comfort in that, while getting comfy in the chair once more, listening to Howl and Calcifer bicker about something that the topic of her pregnancy had brought up.

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