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I Need You to Be There... For a little more than Always!!

Part 59:

Nandini looked up at Manik wiping off her tears as she took a step to move towards him when Manik held up his hand.

Manik: Don't even dare to come near me.... Go!! Just get lost.... Go away from here, I don't even wanna see ur face for now...

Saying so Manik turned his back towards her while Nandini stood there shocked and broken. Tears were flowing down her eyes as she kept on looking at his back waiting for him to turn back but he didn't.

She kept her hand over her mouth as she stopped herself from crying out loud and turned around rushing away from there!! Cabir gave a disgusted look to Manik as he rushed behind her, followed by Mukti.

He reached her at the hospital door as she was barely able to control herself.

Cabir: Nandini wait... Where r u going??

Nandini: Relax Cabir... I m just going back home!!

Cabir: Have u lost it?? He will keep on saying all this rubbish n u will listen to him!! U should hv just slapped him right then n shut him up... U just come I'll kick that bastard until he realises his mistake.

Cabir was about to move away when nandini held off his hand,

Nandini: Cabir wait....

Mukti: No Nandini.... Don't stop him. Manik has to realise that he is making a huge mistake. He can't hurt u like that.

Nandini: Guys relax.... He is not in a proper state of mind. And he is not mad at me, he is mad at himself. Its just that he doesn't know anything that he can do for Dadi and thus, he took out all his frustration on the first person he saw.

Mukti: But nandini he is acting like a bloody jerk and-

Nandini: And he will realise it very soon himself. All he needs is some time and some closure. Be with him guys... He needs all of u for now, n plz don't say anything to him. Try n understand his point of view, its Dadi we r talking about. We know how important she is for him.

Cabir: So is she for u too Nandini...

Nandini: Cabir plz... Just trust me and be by his side for now. And I promise I'll be back here the first thing in the morning. And I m sure he will cool down by then.

Cabir: U sure that u will be fine... Should I come with u??

Nandini: No... Stay here, he needs u.... And I promise I'll be fine.

Cabir and Mukti sighed at her and went back in while Nandini rushed out of the hospital, straight back home.


The entire night passed by and Fab5 didn't move from the hospital even once. Manik was almost normal by the morning, he was worried for Dadi n other than that he was all quite saying nothing at all.

Cabir tried to make him talk but it wasn't of any use at all.

And as promised Nandini reached there next morning with breakfast for everyone and changes for Manik.

She entered the waiting area and was first noticed by Cabir. He gave her a slight nod as she kept the stuff that she got on the table.

She looked at Manik and saw him sitting on the chair, with his eyes closed. She walked slowly towards him and sat next to him as she kept her hand on his shoulder.

Manik acknowledged her touch and immediately jerked off her hand as he got up from the chair.

Manik: U can't just stay away right??

I NEED U TO BE THERE..... for a little more than Always!!Where stories live. Discover now