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I Need You To Be There.... For a little more than Always!!!

Part 60:

Someone has rightly said,

"Falling in love is very easy.... Its staying in Love that is challenging!!"

A few words is all it takes to break a relationship. A few words that hit a person straight into the heart, passing through it like an arrow.

But its not just one that gets hurt, if its true love, then it hurts both of them equally. Where on one side, Nandini is hurt over Manik's words... Ot the other side, Manik is hurt over her absence.

The entire day passed away while Manik just locked himself up in his room. Neither did he eat anything now did he speak with anyone. Fab4 kept on trying to talk to him and so did his parents but he didn't listen to himself. It was around 1 am when finally he opened up the door of his room and moved up to the terrace.

He lied down there, looking up at the stars as the morning incident replayed in his head. How anxious he was to see her when they came back from the hospital!! How he kept on looking towards her room!! And that dreadful moment when he got to know that she had left!! She left...

Tears rolled down his eyes but he all he could do was to regret. Regret over the words that he said to her. Regret for all the tears that she shed in front of him. Regret for the time when she kept on pleading in front of him to hear her out.

" I just want to feel ur presence next to me, and this.... Believe me is more than enough for me."

Her words rang into his head. He remembered how happy they were. Her smile when he saw the surprise that he had planned for her. That expression when she assumed him to be proposing her. A smile crept on his face as he remembered the way she was trying to tease him.

But it didn't last longer as his own words rang into his mind

"Don't even dare to come near me.... Go!! Just get Lost.... Go away from here, I don't even wanna see ur face for now... "

Fresh tears flowed down his eyes as he whispered,

" I m sorry Nandini.... I m so so so sorry!!"

Soon he drifted into sleep right under the stars. The next morning, Cabir moved to Manik's room to find it empty. He tried calling him but then realised that his phone was still in his room.

The others, who had stayed there itself for the night, too woke up and started looking for him. When they finally found him sleeping on the terrace. The rushed towards him to find dried tears under his eyes and on his cheeks.

Mukti: Manik is really not taking this well.

Cabir: What else can we expect from him....

Aliya: he really loved her!!

Cabir: So did She Aliya... So did She!!!

Mukti: He has himself taken up this suffering.

Cabir: As much as I hate seeing Manik suffering like this... I know I can't do anything for him. I had tried to stop him that time, but he didn't listen to me. And now we can't do anything...

Mukti: No cabir.... We can!! Nandini has done a lot for me and I m gonna stand by her words. She always wanted us to support Manik. And I will do so!! I know I m furious at him at the moment, but I will support him just like he has supported me all my life.

Saying so Mukti moved forward towards him and sat by his side as she patted on his shoulder.

Mukti: Manik... Wake up!!

I NEED U TO BE THERE..... for a little more than Always!!Where stories live. Discover now