Chapter 2 - Dream On

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What a bad fucking idea. You know, you'd think sleeping would be a pretty mundane activity, innocent enough to spare you a few moments without watching your heterosexuality crumble before your very eyes and accepting the fact that you were hardcore crushing on your best friend. Well guess what? You'd be fucking wrong.

No. Rather than that sweet reprieve, Ju was rather cursed to a fate far worse than death the moment he nodded off and was claimed by the hazey dreamworld threatening to overtake him. Who was he really kidding though? This was not cursed. This was the exact opposite of cursed. He was wonderfully blessed in all the right ways when his imagination decided to provide him with absolute heaven behind his closed eyes.

The dream started out innocently enough, with Dylan laying on the old couch in Ju's living room, flipping through channels until he finally found a Star Wars Marathon and tossed the controller aside, probably to prevent his companion from changing it. The kid was wearing a black tee with the words "Use the force Harry - Gandalf" scrawled across the chest in huge, yellow letters under his customary flannel today to match his movie selection (Or any other fantasy movie he could possibly find apparently, just to cover all the bases) and his familiar ratty converses were pulled up onto the couch, tracking dirt onto the clean, grey surface.

The brunette then glanced up, seeming to just then notice his friend's presence and he smiled wide, whisky eyes glimmering excitedly as he waved Ju over with a casual gesture, throwing his whole arm into the beconning movement as he propped himself up on his elbows to greet the newcomer.

Ju felt his own lips tug up into a return grin as he moved across the room to where the pretty (there was that fucking word again) boy still lay sprawled across the expanse of the couch, making no moves to rise or make room for the other teen but lifting his arms lazily skyward. The boy  finally reached the couch and slipped into his companion's waiting arms, instantly feeling Dylan's long limbs tangle behind his neck and tug him closer, as if this was a well practiced, everyday occurance. The brunette's encouraging tugging had Ju dipping his head until he finally pressed his lips to the smaller boy's, earning a pleased hum followed by a breathy laugh he could feel against his lips.

"Miss me?" Ju questioned teasingly, realizing why Dylan hadn't moved to make room for him on the couch as his dream counterpart decided laying across the brunette boy would be a preferable spot, hands braced on either side of the other teen's head so he hovered just inches over his companion.

"'Course I missed you, Min." Dylan purred softly, his voice low and his hazel eyes half lidded in an expression not quite familiar to Ju - Well, that's not entirely truthful. It was a familiar expression, but Ju was just a lot more used to seeing it in porn than on Dylan. As if to prove his point, the brunette grabbed one of his companion's hands and drug it to his face, nuzzling the side of his cheek into it affectionately as he let his honey eyes drift closed and gave a soft hum of contentment.

Ju melted. That was the only way the Korean could possibly think to describe the absolute liquidation of his heart his friend's - boyfriend's the dream corrected stubbornly, because, ah, yes, that would make sense considering they were currently snuggling on Ju's couch - actions managed to do to him and a vague, distant thought that he wanted this outside of his dreamworld flitted by, murky and almost indiscernible through the haze of his imaginings but pointed and unrelenting all the same.

Except, then the dream abruptly took a very unexpected and drastic turn, suddenly leaving no room for fleeting thoughts of the waking world as all Ju's focus was suddenly captured with rapt attention by his dreamboy. (Wow. Even in his sleep, Ju made horrible puns.)

Dylan's hand, which had been continuously resting atop where he'd left Ju's significantly larger hand against his cheek, began guiding the boy's appendage sideways, long fingers wrapping around Ju's digits and tugging them down towards the brunette's full, pink lips, where they came to rest lightly against the soft flesh there. Hazel eyes reopened slowly, though they remained half-lidded and swam with the deep hues of lust as they locked with Ju's own dark orbs and refused to release them from their own enrapturing gaze. Those pretty pink lips ticked up at one corner and Ju knew he was fucked.

Ju couldn't hold in the startled choke that caught in his throat and strangled back his next inhale as Dylan's lips parted just slightly and his hot breath ghosted teasingly against the tip of the boy's index finger, sending goosebumps down his companion's arms with the smallest exhale. Though that was nothing compared to the embarrassingly breathy gasp the Korean released when the brunette boy flicked out just the very tip of his tongue and swiped it briefly over the warm skin of Ju's fingertip, the quick burst of warmth at the contact leaving the digit feeling all the colder when departed.

These humiliating sounds only seemed to encourage Dylan however, as his sinful lips curled upwards in an absolutely hungry smirk and his tempting tongue made a grand reappearance, this time deciding to start at the very base of Ju's finger. The cold metal barbell pressed into the soft skin where the teen's digit met his hand, its chilly, harsh pressure a stark contrast to the featherlight, deliciously warm caress of his companion's soft tongue as it ran slowly up the length of the appendage. Once he'd reached the top however, Dylan swirled his wet tongue over the very tip of the boy's finger and any resolve Ju had ever owned crumbled in an instant.

"Dylan." The teen breathed out shamelessly, already too far gone to worry about the way his tone obviously wavered over his boyfriend's name, not when the devilish boy in question was staring at him with that heavy, lust filled gaze like he wanted to swallow down every sound Ju dared make, not to mention many other things.

"Mhm, 's nice when you say my name like that, Min. You should do it more often." Dylan informed his companion huskily and proceeded to shoot Ju a smirk that let the Korean know he intended to try and make him do just that, and would probably be very successful in that endeavor considering the poor teen felt all of about two seconds from cumming untouched. But, hey, fuck, Dylan could ask for the moon right now and Ju would probably find some way to procure it for him, so he sure wasn't about to hold back if that's what his tormentor wanted.

Which was why there was no shame in the guttural, "Dylan!" that forced its way up from his throat and passed through his lips a broken croak when the tantalizing brunette o-ed his full lips and slipped them over the tips of his middle and index finger before sliding his moist mouth further down the two digits without giving his tormented victim even a moment to adjust to the new sensation. The inside of the devilish demon's pretty mouth was warm, and wet, and downright addictive, leaving Ju groaning at the very feel of it.

Dylan made an encouraging hum when his name broke through his lost sufferer's lips, a pleased sounding noise than verberated through him and vibrated his mouth gently around Ju's fingers in a way that sent chills down the teen's spine and erased any inhibitions he may have had about letting the half moaned, half whined "Dylan," that escaped pass his lips.

This must've been the desired reaction though, for Dylan eagerly bobbed further down the digits in response, the fingers all but disappearing into his lips before resurfacing again as he pulled his mouth about halfway up before going down again, the endless cycle likely going to be listed in Ju's obituary under "cause of death." The hard, metallic ball that had been the key into this purgatory drug relentlessly along Ju's skin, its steady pressure making Dylan's skilled movements all the more pronounced, especially when the teen flattened his tongue and drew it up in one long last, painstakingly slow stroke before finally pulling off the abused fingers with a soft pop.

Ju straight up moaned at the sight before him, unable nor really wanting to hold in the wanton sound Dylan so perfectly drew from him. The brunette's eyes were still half-lidded and lusty, fixed on Ju with such dazed desire it took everything the teen had not to press the boy into the couch and fuck him brainless that very instant. The bambi-eyed boy's lips hung agape, red and swollen from such abuse and still clinging from there hung a long line of saliva that stretched to Ju's wet fingers and-

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