Chapter 3 - Guess Who's Gay? (Spoiler Alert: It's Me.)

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Jesus fucking christ, gouge his eyeballs out with a rusty spoon and smash him over the head with the largest dull item you could possibly find - Ju. Hated. His. Phone.

The obnoxious sound of his Snapchat pinging in the distance followed by the classic buzz of his device demanding his attention brought Ju's fantasy to a careening halt, the sudden emergence to reality feeling like someone had signed the Korean up for the Ice Bucket Challenge without letting him in on it. The poor guy jolted upright in bed, throwing his sheets aside as everything was suddenly too hot, too clingy, too real.

Released from his dreamworld, the teen was stuck facing the fact that he'd just had the most elaborate wet dream of his life about his best friend, a very nice, very realistic dream that he would like to repeat extremely soon- No. That was not the point. The point was... Was what? He was crushing on Dylan? Well, whoopty doo. Suprise, suprise, that ruler you always thought your sexuality compared to was actually a protractor. Well, great, now that confronting his homosexuality was out of the way he was gonna fall back asleep and see if he could get in on some more hot, gay action.

Ju had already snuggled back under his blankets and buried his head under the pillow when, of course, his phone decided it would be an ideal time to give up its pathetic onslaught of snapchats and opted instead to step up its game to full on blaring "Never Gonna Give You Up" on full volume. Now, seeing as he had a hot date with dream-world Dylan to get back too, Ju would've usually just ignored this and gone on about his merry way, except, problem: Real World Dylan had joked many times about changing his ringtone in the 's phone to that annoying anthem of a long since dead meme, claiming that it would be like Rick-Rolling his friend every time he called. (Ju had done surplus amounts of research on this Rickrolling and had decidedly told the brunette to kindly fuck off - That was before he decided he'd much rather have his companion fuck him instead.)

Ju reached a hand out from the shelter of his covers and felt around for his phone, absolutely positive his bedstand hadn't been that far away nor nearly as crowded the night before when he'd lay down to sleep. However, all his haphazard feeling about succeeded in doing, was knocking his phone to the ground where he'd never be able to reach it without actually forcing himself out of the blankets and into the full on cold grip of reality. Grosssss.

"Fuck," Ju grumbled unhappily, pushing himself upright and cursing against the sudden onslaught of frigid morning air that mercilessly attacked his bare chest and exposed stomach as he bent over and grabbed the fallen bane of his existence. The guy jabbed his thumb blearily against where the answer button would normally be but found that the drop must've already done him the favor as all that was on his screen was a phone icon and Dylan's contact picture - Which was currently an image of Rick Astley, assumably to go with the Rickroll theme and Ju had to really wonder when Dylan had actually gotten ahold of his phone to make all of these obnoxious changes. (He'd had a pretty cute pic of Dylan as the boy's contact photo and if it didn't get saved in his phone somewhere before a meme came to take its place, Ju was gonna be pissed.)

"Would love to!" Came Dylan's way too chipper response for whatever ass o'clock time it fucking was making Ju groan for more reasons then he'd ever like to admit, deciding to blame the sound on the sheer amount of energy the boy's voice radiated after Ju had just woken if questioned on it.

"Hello?" Was actually all Ju managed to respond, still half asleep and a little behind on real world events after just being thrown out of lusty heaven back into cold reality, but hey, cut him some slack, you really couldn't blame him when he'd just had pictures of Dylan doing horrendous things playing behind closed eyes and was suddenly met with the same, familiar voice that had just been whispering dirty things to him two seconds later in the waking world.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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