Summer Jobs at Equestrialand

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*at Equestrialand*

Vignette Valencia: *announcing* Experience the world like you've never seen it before, at the one, the only, Equestria Land!  *looks at the models in costumes on a float* *upset* Stop! Cut! Cut! Why is everyone dressed like they're not dressed?!

Designer: [Russian accent] *blunt* Because you keep changing your mind about the costumes, Vignette Valencia.

Vignette Valencia: *to her* Do you know what it means to be in charge of public relations for this park? *smirks* It's my job to make sure the world knows how amazing Equestria Land is gonna be. *glares* And in two weeks, when there's 50,000 people here for opening day, the last thing they'll see before they leave at night will be this light parade, and, by extension, your costumes, which, apparently, do not exist as of this moment! *smirks* BYBB: Be Yourself, But Better. *takes selfies* *arches eyebrow* Do you even have a philosophy?

Designer: *blunt* GWIQ: Guess Vat, I Kvit. *leaves*

Vignette Valencia: [sighs, yelling] I need a stress salad!! *sits at a table with her salad* *takes out her phone* Where am I gonna find a new costume designer for the parade with only two weeks left? [to performer bluntly] I'm not promoting you.

*performer leaves sadly*

Vignette- [sighs] If only I could put a filter on real life to make everything the way I want it.

[a purple magical wisp travels into her phone changing its style]

Vignette Valencia: *smiles and takes out her phone* Only way to feel better is getting 10,000 likes with the perfect salad pic.

[she takes the picture but the camera teleports the salad away]

Vignette Valencia: *shocked* Hey, did somebody install a new app on my phone? *taps a picture of a fruit salad*

[the fruit salad materializes as a hologram]

Vignette Valencia: *intrigued* Oh. *smirks* 'Cause I like it!

*at the Canterlot Mall*

[patrons conversing happily]

*Applejack, Rarity, AJ, and Elusive are sitting at a table together checking their phones*

Rarity/Elusive: *worried* Anything?

Applejack: *sighs* Nothin'.

AJ- *looks at them in concern* You two?

Rarity/Elusive: *concerned* Uhh-uhh.

*the rest of the Humane 6 and Human Colt 6 walk over to their table*

Pinkie/Bubble: *smirks* Somebody has unspilled beans at this table, and it's not us, Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Blitz,Fluttershy, Butterscotch, Sunset Glare, Sunset Shimmer or the Lavender Quartet!

*the others sit down calmly*

Applejack: [deep breath] *smiles* We all applied for summer jobs at the new theme park.

Princess Twilight- *smiles calmly* That's wonderful news you two!

Prince Dusk- *concerned* But you look worried is something wrong...

Pinkie Pie: *shocked* Equestria Land?

Bubble- *shocked* Wait... will you get to go there for free?!

AJ: *smiles* Actually, they pay us to go there.

Pinkie/Bubble: [excited noises]

Elusive: *hands them smoothies* *calmly* We applied to work side by side as caramel apple vendors.

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