Chapter 2

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Chad's P.O.V.

I sit in one of the corners in my cave and wait for the girl to wake up. I lean my head against the wall of the cave and look up at the ceiling of the cave.

I stand up and walk over to the entrance of the cave and look up to the night sky. Yes, the girl has been knocked out for that long and I'm bored as hell. All of a sudden, I hear groaning. I look behind me and see the girl finally waking up. She sits up and sits against the wall of the cave and looks around her. Once she looks at me, she gets a worried look on her face.

Then, I look at her heart and the color that is showing is purple. Which means that she's scarred. I don't blame her when you find yourself in a cave and see someone that you don't know.

I slowly to her and say, "Hey, it's okay. No need to be afraid."

"Afraid? I think I'm well passed afraid." She says as she moves further in the cave.

"Okay, I know we got off the wrong foot and I apologize. What's your name?" I ask her as I slowly walk closer to her.

"Stella." She says and she is finally relaxing. "What's your name?"

"Chad." I tell her.

"Okay Chad, what am I doing here?" She asks as she stands up.

"When I say you in the forest, I had the urge to pounce. But when I pounced on you and when you fell to ground, you passed out. So I thought I would bring you back to my cave." I tell her.

"Your the one that I heard in the forest?" She ask as she stands some what close to me.

"Yes." I say and as Stella is so close to me, I can see that she is blushing. As she notices and I notice that she's blushing, she moves back a little from me.

Stella's P.O.V.

"Yes." Chad says and as I'm standing close to him, I start to blush. Then I see that Chad notices that I'm blushing. Then I move back from him a bit.

"Sorry if I scared you or anything." Chad says.

I look at him and say, "It's okay. Just don't scare me when I have a weapon in my hands."

"I'll keep that in mind." Chad says.

A couple hours pass by, Chad and I have been talking and getting to know each other. To be honest, Chad is a really nice guy.

Thank you for reading this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it.


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