"ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ."

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It was very different for me. I couldn't have been more...Odd. Being a toddler meant you had freedom and could do what you liked without being judged in any kind of way. My real family didn't think the same and treated me like a slave. I was so sick and tired of being treated like that...being I told I was useless. That I had no talent or future and that I would die alone with no one to be there for me. Hearing all of those things hurt, and to make it extra with a cherry on top I always had bruises on my face and body.

I didn't go to school since my parents didn't want me getting caught with my appearance like this. But there was always someone there for me, I had one sibling who I cared about so much she cared about me too. But she couldn't help me when it came to discipline with my mother and father. She was too afraid to stick up for me, of course I would have been too. But every time My parents finished their small session with me she would always come my way trying to fix up any injury that was serious. Years of pain passed and My parents still kept going at me, taking their anger and putting all of the force into their hands and onto me. They were soon found out by the police and were reported, and child services Came for me and my sister. We were both put up for adoption since that was the only thing they could do with us.

We waited and waited, hoping none of us would get chosen. Sadly it wasn't going to be easy, and soon enough I was chosen out of bad luck. But...My sister was left behind. I didn't want to leave her but they had forced me to go off with this new family I didn't know of. The day would come and my sister and I cried as both of us saw each other go in front of our eyes, all I saw her mouth say was;

"I love you so much...Don't forget me."

She waved goodbye to me and I never saw her again. It was sad for quite a while and I went to the home of my new family with red and puffed up eyes. The family I was now moving in with was very wealthy and polite to me. The Jeon Family was the name, the family and maid took care of me as much as they could since I was only about 8 when they had taken me in, I wasn't happy...neither was I sad. I didn't feel anything and I only followed the orders and rules the family had. They gave me a home, food, clothes and anything you needed from a real family that loved you. But one thing I didn't often receive was love, either I didn't get it or...I didn't understand what exactly it was.

The mother of the family was very kind and caring towards me and Jungkook. But she cared for Jungkook more of course, since she was his real son. She had the scent of morning coffee and always seemed to have a grin on her pink lips. The father on the other hand...he was stern. His aura always seemed to scare me when I was around him, but he was also kind when he needed to be. He always had a serious expression stuck onto his face and I didn't understand how he could keep it like that but it wasn't like I could make him change his appearance, I'd surely get punished. Now, for the son. His name was Jungkook, the boy was older and only slightly taller than I. He was smart and helpful when it came to schoolwork and such. Did I also mention I was now being put into school as well? Probably not, but now you do. He always treated me like I wasn't superior, but I wanted to be. We always hogged things around the house and would always seem to get into trouble, but over time he had grown to like me...Wait no...Love me. He loved me more than anything he had in the world and I did too, both of us kept close at all times when we could and played outside.

He was like the sibling I never had, other than my sister. I nearly forgot she existed at times but I always had her in my head and I remembered her...hoping she would come back and let me into her arms once again. But now that I have Jungkook I can live happily right? Wrong.

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