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Being with my Adoptive father after Jungkook left was exactly what I expected. He'd be quiet and not talk to me, It was sad for me but once again someone else would leave me. This time it would be him, I had woken up in the morning only finding a note on the dinning table and read it seeing that my father no longer needed me with him. He did feel awful and so did I, He left me with the extra money he had saved up for when Jungkook needed it but that wasn't the case anymore. The amount quite a lot so I wouldn't spend it carelessly. After that I never saw my father again. I had no one now...Nothing to have by my side. I felt alone most of the time and got myself a cat which I named "Sugar." He was a white cat and I cared for him as much as I could.

Living alone and working at a coffee shop was quite nice actually. I had nothing to worry about, no one to worry of. Well of course I had a coworker who was always with me. Telling jokes and such but I always saw him as just a friend and he was just there. Jimin. I was a 24 year old working as a barista at a coffee shop living with a cat. That was a life I couldn't imagine for myself when I was still a scrawny and weak kid. I tried not to mention my past with anyone at all and kept it to myself, whenever anyone asked about how my childhood was I just faked it and made up the same story each time.

Hearing others talk around the room around me while I made iced americano's, lattes and Ect was the day routine. Seeing that I talked to much to Jimin while working I was now put up to the register and surprisingly it wasn't as busy as any other day so I just went on my phone and looked at some posts from others on my social media. Hearing the bell ring when the door opened meant it was time to get back up and make their order, I looked at the screen waiting for them to order,

"One almond latte, liquid sugar please."

I nodded and it seemed like I heard that voice. It was odd and I felt as if I was going crazy but I didn't bother to even look at the person until I made the order and Walked away to the machines and started making it. I heard him chatting with a girl behind me, it sounded like it was a couple? Was it him though...? I heard the woman speak as well and she also asked for a coffee. This time a Rose hip Milk tea. I nodded and started making the other one once I finished the almond coffee. My hands trembled as I made the two orders and once I finished I kept my eyes down on the ground while I walked back to the counter and gave them the two drinks now Putting the Rose hip milk tea order with the almond coffee one now asking for the payment. Keeping my head down seemed to work and he didn't notice me, I didn't want to lift my head so I stayed like that until the left to their seat. The girl would leave me a tip and I hadn't noticed but it was a tip of 20 dollars?! People sure have money to blow off. After work I checked the jar of money and change and split it up with Jimin. Since we were the only ones who worked there sadly.

I headed home thinking about that one voice I heard today...it was mature and deep yet very soft. It gave me shivers when I heard it just like the other times I heard it. I swore it was Jungkook...that bastard. I kept it to myself like always and kept thinking of it all night. I laid there until my eyes closed. I woke up feeling quite slumped and headed to work once again. This time looking like I was in some kind of daze. I was tired so I worked on the register and making coffees once again since I couldn't stand cleaning the café so I let Jimin do it since he was always up for it. I laid my head down on the counter and felt something tap my head, I lifted my head slowly and closed one eye looking up at the figure in front of me.

"Shorrey....I was shweeping on the counter..."

I smiled still not seeing the face of this person and stood now rubbing my eyes and yawning as I stretched.

"What May you like to order?"

I said kindly and gave the other a closed eyed smile trying not to get annoyed as to how this person woke me up. But then again I was at work so why even think about it.

"How are you, Yoongi?"

I stood there frozen and opened my eyes slowly. That voice once again...I heard it. It was like I was dreaming right? No...I wasn't. I should have woken up by now. I finally looked at this man in front of me and stared as He gave me a small grin while waiting for a response.

"I've been....doing very good."

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