"ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ."

30 1 0

I thought being with Jungkook could make things easier, having my dear brother by my side, Playing with me, Telling each other jokes...it was so fun being a child with him. At one point when I was still young I actually said I loved him, but not like a brother. I didn't mean it like that, But I wasn't sure if he knew that. He said the same and it stayed like that. both of us would keep looking out for each other and stay together until it stopped. Years had passed and I was now 20. He was 25 and already halfway finishing up college, I had just graduated and I was happy to be free from school for a while. He wasn't how he used to be and studied hard to get into the most popular college in Korea where students with big minds went. I wasn't like him at all and I disliked school and studies yet I was always put to classes for studying right after school. He didn't mind and was gone almost everyday and I only saw him at night but he never said hello and neither did I.

It continued like that until my Adoptive Mother started to get sick, I was worried and started to take care of her more. My Adoptive father on the other hand was furious and also paid as much as he could for the treatment. It was stated she had Cancer, Leukemia to be exact. I was there with her at all times and even if she wasn't my real mother, I still loved her like my own. If it wasn't for her pleasing her husband to adopt a son I wouldn't be here. I was thankful. Time went on and on...Jungkook stopped caring for me, my Adoptive father and Adoptive mother and only cared about HIS needs, you know the things that would benefit his future. His dad wasn't so happy about it and practically disowned him from this family....Though he wasn't kicked out.

I was surprised he didn't get kicked out by his own father, I didn't understand this family that well so...I supposed it was something normal. Miss Jeon was getting better little by little but one day it just stopped. She was gone in front of me and Mister Jeons' Eyes instantly as if whatever happened in the last months was for nothing. My "Father" asked for an explanation and they gave it to him, but he never told me and even when I tried asking I was told "No."
It hurt to see this happen all of a sudden and just live with it.

With that, We made a funeral for her and Jungkook attended. My father was very depressed at this time and so was I but I kept everything I wanted to say to myself. Everyone who attended said their prayers and goodbyes and wished me, Dad and Jungkook good luck. Of course I didn't know this was going to be the last time I saw Jungkook but it was. Later that night I heard odd noises coming from above my ceiling and went to check on it. It was jungkook's room, but this late? Why? My steps were quiet and I knocked on his door announcing my presence now opening it slowly. I saw about 3 suitcases filled with his necessities and I could only guess he was leaving and spoke;

"Hyung...? Where are you going? Is it a trip for school? Work?"

I said now looking at him with a questioned look. His eyes would glare at me now, he shut his last case and sighed. This made me feel uneasy and I wasn't so happy about this, He didn't look happy at all either. He never WAS happy at all.

"I'm leaving. Don't tell my dad about this, I ask of you Yoongi."

His voice, hearing his voice gave me chills especially when he said my name. I felt weird but I didn't let that feeling get the best of me. As he took the three cases and walked up to me now taking his hand and caressing my left cheek as he rubbed his thumb on it his lips curved up slightly and gave me a grin. I hadn't seen that grin in so long....him touching my cheek like he always did to comfort me when I was a child. My cheeks turned a light pink and he would then let go and leave the room, leaving me there without saying goodbye. Since he didn't say the word...I knew I'd see him once again somewhere. Hopefully.

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