"ᴍᴏᴠɪɴɢ ᴏɴ."

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My eyes stood still as I kept looking at him...his scent traveled to me, his cologne made me remember when I would play with him when we touched our fathers things and messed around. Then it hit me, those memories were old and in the past. Right now is all that matters and I knew I would have to get the courage I didn't have and speak to him like a brother should to his sibling. It hurt seeing that he was so happy...I was left behind by him. It went around my head and it made me feel Hate for my brother...but then again the other side of me always won. Love. It was always that....I thought it was what he wanted as well but it was clear that wasn't exactly IT. He nodded and looked around then took a pen from the counter and a napkin writing something down. He turned it around and looked at me with a smile still stuck onto his face.

"Read it once you get out of work, I want to talk."

I didn't speak once, it was embarrassing for me but I couldn't help it. My throat was being held back from letting out my voice just to speak to him. As I saw the other leave I noticed that he hadn't grown that much, he was quite tall but then again I'm taller than most people I've met. I took people's orders and continued with my day as a regular barista would at a coffee shop. It started to rain and I wondered as to how I'd get home in this horrible rain. My hand would then grab the napkin and I took a look at the note Jungkook had left me; "Call me once you get out of work. Here's my number." I stared at the number and added it right to my phone and decided to call him now. He picked up and I spoke;

Y:"Is this Jeon Jungkook?"

J:"Ah, Yoongi. I thought you wouldn't call me."

Y:"Yes...I would. What do you want exactly?"

J:"Can I not talk to my little brother?"

Y:"No that's not exactly what I mean-"

J:"it's fine. Meet me at the town mall at 8PM and we can talk more there. See you soon brother."

He hung up before I could speak again and I sighed putting my phone down seeing it was time to get out of work. Great. The only day I don't want work to end for me. I changed back into my regular clothes I always brought for when I'd get out of work since walking around the city is horrible in your uniform. I made my way up to the mall walking there since by the time I'd get there it would be around 8 I supposed. My eyes gazed around the mall and the stores and now that I was here...Where the hell was he? I decided to call him once again because there's always a problem when meeting people since a long time. He didn't answer, so now all I did was give up and decided to go back home until I felt someone hug me from behind. I widened my eyes and looked to the side behind me and saw it was him.

"Miss me?"

I tried to get out of his grasp but I couldn't budge, my eyes squinted at him and I sighed quite annoyed.

"Let me go bastard."

He then let go and tilted his head at me, he acted so different...he was never like this. Never. I noticed he had a different attire from earlier and it was quite appealing but I didn't fall for that right now. I folded my arms and looked at him with greed.

"I'm here. Now what do you want?"

"I want to talk to you....Can't I talk with the brother I never got to see again?"

"How the fuck can you say that asshole?! You left me and Dad and took off to who the hell knows where!"

".....I can explain."

"You can explain? You can explain my ass! I was always there but you didn't give one damn!"

My fists became balls of anger and I left from his sight. My eyes watered but I didn't let the tears come out, being angry at someone was something very rare. Too rare, I always let the times when someone would piss me off go but this time I didn't. Because I knew I had something to come back at the person with, and that person I didn't want to see again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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