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The entire ride back to the house Branden gave me a speech about my anger issue and how I need to control it.

Honestly I could give two fucks about how he felt. Because not once did he jump to my defense, so he can miss me with the bullshit.

"Shut the fuck up Branden damn. You sitting here giving me a speech but you know how I am, you should've been told that bitch to dip and gotten us a new waitress.", I spat.

"Hold the fuck up. You trynna flip this shit on me son. Foreal!? I'm not about to do this with you. At the end of the day you're a grown ass woman, learn how to control that shit because it ain't cute.", He said as he pulled into the drive way and hopped out making sure to slam the door.

I got out the car and stomped up to my room. Today was just not my day and I didn't want to be bothered.

"Yo that shit right there was crazy. It was like D turned into the fucking Hulk!!", Mijo said causing everyone to laugh as we entered the house.

No lie that shit was crazy. I honestly thought that she was going to let that shit ride but she handled her own. That's what I like about her, she got a nigga mentality but you can tell by the way she just stomped up the stairs she a lil crybaby.

"Yo B. What's wrong?", I said stopping him from going any further. I seen he came in with a mean ass mug on his face.

"It's Della ass. She has a hot ass temper and don't know how to control that shit. Honestly, it pisses me the fuck off and every time I try to tell her about herself she always seems to flip the shit on me. Like what the hell did I do.", he said throwing his hands up.

"What y'all got into it in the car?", I asked as he shook his head yea.

"Well I mean at the end of the day that's ya girl so-.", I started to say but he cut me off.

"Oh no, that ain't my girl. She just something like my best friend. Don't get me wrong she cute and all but that attitude I couldn't handle it and I pray for the nigga that wife her.", he said causing me to laugh.

"Yo chill. She can't be that bad, she seem cool.", I said.

"Yea she cool WHEN SHE NOT BITCHING!!", he yelled causing me to look at him with wide eyes and for some of the guys to laugh.

"You better chill before she come down here.", Mijo said.

Just then we heard a door slam and footsteps come flying down the stairs.

"Oh shit. She coming, she coming!!", Mijo said running in circles.

This fool.

"What the fuck you say?", Della said as she came and pushed Branden.

"I said. You cool and all when you aren't bitching.", he said with a smirk.

I watched as Della hand went flying across Branden's face. I swear if that was me I probably would've shed a tear. My momma ain't never smacked me that hard.

"Dammmnnnn.", Mijo said while holding his face.

"Shit, why would you hit me?", Branden asked while holding his face.

"Because you know how I feel about that word and you know why I act the way I do. So don't sit here and put on this front like you never seen me act like that before. If you were sick of my shit you would've been bounced.", she spat at him.

I watched as she spoke with so much anger but her eyes held hurt.

"Della it wasn't that serious I was just playing.", he said as he tried to give her a hug.

"Nah son. Don't touch me. Go bout ya business I don't want to see you for the rest of this trip since I'm bitching. Wouldn't want to ruin it for you.", she said sarcastically as she left just as fast as she came.

" D-do you need some ice?", I asked trying to lighten the mood. He shook his head yes and we went in the kitchen.

After I helped Branden and me and the guys were on our second game of 2k I decided to go upstairs and check on Della.

"Hey y'all I'll be back I'm rey go check on Della.", I said getting up and pulling up my pants.

"You don't have to do that she gon be good.", Branden said as he continued to play.

"Nah nigga you just saying that because she pimp slapped you.", Mijo said causing everyone to laugh.

"Shut the fuck up. But go ahead, if she still mad and yell at you just know I told you so.", B said as he shrugged.

"Aint no way she still mad it's been like a whole hour.", I said.

I walked up to her door and knocked twice.

"Hey Della it's Chris. Can I talk to you real quick.", I asked.

"Boy what the fuck do you want. If you came to give me a speech save that shit. Bye now.", she spat.

Ok. She is definitely still mad.

"Look I just wanted to see how you were doing.", I said as I waited for a response. Instead, her bedroom door unlocked and the door was pulled open.

I walked into her room to see she had candles lit and her Daniel Ceaser playlist vibing through her speakers.

"You fucks with him?", I asked referring to her music choice.

"Yea, his voice soothes me.", she said as she shut the door and sat on the bed.

" Same here. But I didn't come up here to bash you. I just wanted to know why you spazzed like that?", I asked as I sat next to her on the bed.

She tensed up and her eyebrows furrowed together.

"Why you want to know?", she asked with an attitude.

"Damn ma. I thought we were doing good. But I just see some of you in me that's why I asked.", I said honestly.

"I'm nothing like you. Trust me.", she said as she looked to the side.

"But you are. I seen how hurt you were down there. Even though you spat words of fire and your face showed anger I seen the tears welding up in your eyes.", I said as I leaned forward to see her face better.

"I- I just. Never mind.", she said as she put her down and shook it.

"No go ahead and speak. I just came to check on you and if you feel like you need to vent I'm here to listen.", I said as I got a little more comfortable.

She went on to tell me about how she valued her friendships and how she had lost so many friends because of her temper. But, her spazzing out was always caused by her own assumptions and never the person she was mad at.

"Yo. You know what's crazy. I tend to do the same shit.", I said causing her to laugh.

"Well would you look at that, she smiles.", I said nudging her and causing her to look down.

"Stop doing that.", I said.

"Doing what?", she asked.

"Looking down when you talk to me. Why you acting all shy?", I asked. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Well I'm not no one to be nervous around so chill. But I enjoyed talking to you.", I said as a placed my hand on her leg and got up to leave.

"Wait!", she said as I turned around.

"Thank you.", she said and smiled.

"No problem.", I said and left.


I know, just bare with me. But isn't it cute how Chris and Della are starting to get along. I can see a friendship blossoming 🌷


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