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This morning I decided to take Della out to go site seeing. She hasn't been here before and after our conversation last night I can tell that we are one in the same. She's honestly a cool girl and a great dancer, I could definitely see us being long time friends.

"Rise and Shine mother fuckerrrrr.", I yelled as I burst through her door to wake her up.

I looked over and she was still asleep. I watched as the top of her breast lifted up and down due to her breathing and the low cut white colored cami t-shirt she wore. My eyes wandered down to the nipple rings that shined through the sheer shirt and her toned yet slim waist. She was shaped like a goddess.

"Mmm.", she moaned as she turned over in her sleep.

Her back was now facing me and the covers barely covered her fat and juicy-

"Chris!?", she yelled knocking me out of my nasty thoughts.

"Oh um yea?", I asked.

"What do want? Why you standing there watching me sleep creep.", she said as she turned to face me fully.

"I came in here to wake you up so that we could go some where but I got distracted.", I said.

"Oh well where did you want to go.", she asked ignoring the I got distracted part.

"I was going to take you site seeing. Well not really site seeing but to the mall, movies. You know just to show you where all the fun stuff is.", I said.

"Okay. Sounds fun. Just let me get dressed.", she said as she got out the bed and walked over to the dresser.

I watched as her ass jiggled in the small pajama shorts she wore.

"Anything else?", she asked as she looked at me through the mirror.

I shook my head no and hurriedly made my way out of the room.

After my shower I threw on my outfit and made my way downstairs. I seen Della sitting on the couch in what looked like a yellow sundress.

"Hey Della you ready?", I asked.

She looked back at me and nodded her head.

I waited for her to walk in front of me before following her out the door. I opened her door for her as she thanked me and slid into the car.

"No problem.", I said as I jogged over to my side and pulled off.

"So where are we going first?", she asked as she got comfortable and turned the music down to a reasonable volume.

"I was thinking the mall and then get something to eat.", I shrugged.

"Ok. Are we eating in the food court or at a restaurant?", she asked.

"Doesn't matter to me.", I said and she nodded her head as we continued our way to the mall.

After we pulled up I opened her car door and grabbed her hand.

"What you doing.", she asked as she stopped and looked down at my hand.

"My bad. It's just a habit. You know a lot of fans and paparazzi might be around so I wanted to make sure you were good, but if you don't want me to then I won't.", I said as I walked off and headed toward the main entrance.

I chuckled as I heard the flapping of her sandles against the pavement as she tried to catch up with me.

"Aye nigga don't be leavin me. I know I didn't want to hold ya hand but that don't mean leave a bitch.", she said causing me to laugh.

DELLA || A Chris Brown and Della Hamby Love Story||Where stories live. Discover now