Sam imagine -he comes to see you when your grounded

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"so schools over ,summers starting, what do you say we kick it off with you and I at my place ?" Sam asked cheekily as he intertwined his hand in yours.

"Uhh well I'm grounded for 3 weeks" you answered blushing and looking Sam right in the eyes.

"Hmmmm,what did my bad girl do this time to get grounded for 3 weeks ?" Sam questioned eyeing you up and down as you walked over to Sam's car.

" oh fine I guess I'll tell you now even though I was going to wait " you smiled jumping into the passenger seat of His car. Sam was going ballistic wanting with passion to know what you did that was so bad.

" I fought with my parents on getting my belly button peirced

when you went to go get your lip pierced " you laughed looking out at the lines in the road,"first they said your grounded for a day for arguing with us"

Sam lifted up your shirt one hand on the wheel one lifting your shirt up a little."so that's how you got 3 weeks" he said pointing to the dream catcher ring hanging from your belly button and putting down your shirt

"yep,what they don't know is that all they said is ' yOur GRoUndEd ' nothing came out of their mouthes saying that I couldn't see you or that my phone was taken away" the both of you smirked smugly at eachother as sam put a hand on your thigh.You pulled into your driveway and sat there for a while until the two of you finally got out

"so I guess I'll see you in a little bit" Sam whispered in your ear behind you as you were getting to the front door.When you were at the door sam pulled you into a hug and just as you pulled away he pulled you closer so there were no gaps.He then held the back of your neck and kissed you with passion and meaning.You opened the door still kissing sam deepening the kiss as you slid your tongue into his mouth.

"why hello Sam , got anywhere to be besides my daughters mouth ?" your father interupted very rudely sitting on the couch turning on the   T.V .

"Oh I didn't see you there sir sorry I should be -"

"going ,ahhhh now we're on the same track" your dad finished Sams sentence harshly.Before your dad blew up Sam mouthed 'I love you txt me see you in a bit' and made a kissy face. Out of the corner of your eye you saw your dad take sam bye the back of his shirt collar and lead him all the way to his car.

As fast as you could you ran up to your room and plopped on your bed.

"what to do what to do " you questioned out loud to yourself.After just staring at the ceiling thinking about everything you turned on your ihome so you could listen to your music.You charged your phone on the ihome and put on amnesia by 5sos.

It was extremely hot in your room so you went outside on your balcony to cool off.You sat down in a seat next to sam-SAM.
"Sam your not supposed to be here remember I'm grounded ?" you whisper yelled to him laughing.He covered your mouth with his index finger ,lifted an eyebrow ,and acted all dramatic.

"shhhhhh don't speak" Sam demanded you as he took his finger away from your smile.

"what's in that bag you got there huh" you tried to snatch it from him being curious.

"he giggled you stepping closer and closer to him every time.Eventually Sam fell back on the bed and crawled backwards on all fours like a crab.Just what you didn't want to happen happened next"

"thudd" if you couldn't tell that was sam landing on the ground.

"hunny ?" Your dad called up to you concerned.

"hide ,hide,hide in my closet" you whisper yelled again to Sam.All you could hear was your dads boots hitting against the hard wood floor.

"(y/n)" you panicked as he opened the door with wide eyes.

"yeah ?" you scrambled popping your head out from the side of your bed."Are you ok I heard laughing and a really painful sounding thudd" your dad looked confused coming over to you.

"oh that that was just silly me , I was looking for my bikinni under my bed and when I crawled out I hit my head on the bed ......... hard" you chuckled looking at your  skeptical father.

"ok be careful and try not to hit your head too .............hard" he playfully stated exciting your room.You waited patiently for your father to go down ,the stairs so you could let sam out.As fast as you could you went to your closet.When you opened your closet door sam was just sitting there playing flappy birds "sammy will you pretty please cuddle with me ?" You questioned yawning into the .

"I'd love to" sam smiled like he was planning something.

"Sam no , no funny business my dad will hear us" you lowered your voice as sam snaked his arms around your waste.

"ok I understand ,I might loose control though" he replied kissing your neck then doing a dance like he was loosing control.He put in 'the breakfast club' then You had gotten into your spandex shorts and one of sams sweatshirts for pjs.

"I'm kinda tired" you said yawning and getting under the covers.

"yeah same here all that hiding and lying really wore me out" He remarked taking off his shirt.

"hmmmm someone likes what they see" sam interupted your thoughts as you looked at his eyes and not his abbs.

"what I really would like to see is what was in that bag that you brought with you because you've been hiding it from me all night" you curiously said stroking his hair as the crickets hummed and the cool air seeped through your window.

"well go get the bag" sam smiled his lip ring shining in the moonlight.You tip toed over to the bag so your dad didn't hear you.Sam put his arm around you as you eagerly opened the bag.Your eyes lit up like you just got new food in the fridge."Sam",you looked at him all teary eyed "you actually got me ................"

To be continued

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