The Classic Number 8

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Katy was busy in New York and almost all the girls were in a Skype call. They were making characters for the shipping club. Cassy was the Princess,I was the Chef,Sara was the Maid,IF Katy was there she would of been the servant, Heaven was the Guard.Everyone was normal until I had to go everyone started obsessing on how I should tell my mom that I need 8 more minutes because it was symmetrical (DTK fans much). "Hey say to your mom that you will have to tear down the walls in the camp because its not 8 yards by 8 yards" Sara said. Of course, I did it, that was HILARIOUS. joke once another time yea

Sorry for another short chapter I think all of them will be short because their all short moments. Please dont hate on my storys I know I suck at writing XD. SO if you have a request on this story please give me it (I could definetly use it). It makes it easier to update also I think I could manage that once in a while. 

Byeee!- Ink

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