Chapter 3

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"HENRY!" Grace and Riley yelled as they jumped up and down in front of him laying on the couch. He groggily rubbed the sleep from his eyes and let out a loud yawn. "Henry! Henry! Mom said we were going to the zoo today!"

"Does this happen every morning?" Henry asked as he sat up slowly and swung his legs over the edge of the couch.

"Just about," Elizabeth smiled as she held out a cup of coffee. "Not sure how you take your coffee, but black is better than nothing at this point."

"You can say that again. Thank you," he smiled as he inhaled the fragrant scent of coffee and took a sip. "What time is it?"

"It's time to wake up!" Riley yelled as she laughed at her own joke.

"It's 6, because kids are amazing at knowing when you've had exactly no sleep. Anyways, I've made a jolly ole American breakfast, so wake up and go sit down," Elizabeth took another sip of her coffee.

"You made breakfast? Already? Seriously?"

"I told you, I have a farm, I get up with the chickens, no matter what time I go to sleep," she smirked. Henry sluggishly stood up and dragged himself over the kitchen table. "So we got pancakes, from scratch might I add, bacon, sausage, a few fried eggs, and toast, I was going to make biscuits and gravy but I figure I'd save that for another day," she said as she sat at the table. "Eat up!"

"I don't want to know what time you started making this, but thank you. Don't tell my mum, but this puts English breakfast to shame," Henry said his eyes wide as he filled up a plate.

"It'll be our secret," she smiled, looking around the table watching Henry and the girls starting to dig in.

"I'm telling!" Charlie said as he walked into the kitchen. "How come you've been here for 4 days and haven't cooked breakfast for us?" He asked as he sat down at the table. "Um, well, I just thought," she stammered, her cheeks flushing. "I'm just messing with you," he said with a wink. "Danni, will be down in a minute, she's just getting dressed. Way to be in the same clothes as yesterday Hen," he teased his brother.

"So sorry to have offended you, your highness."

"Okay now, children," Danielle said as she entered the room. Henry, Charlie, and the girls all turned to look at her. "I meant the grown children. Behave. It's too early for this. Someone, coffee, stat."

The group finished eating in quiet, the only sound in the room was the clanking of dishes and cups as they finished breakfast.

"So what's on the schedule for today?" Charlie asked as he leaned back in his chair.

"I thought the girls would enjoy going to Durrell today. I figured I'd show them around since I was told you haven't," Henry winked at Elizabeth, making her look down.

"Well Henry, we're all not as fortunate as you, mister 'I could work like a day a year.' Danielle and I have to go into work today, but then we'll be on holiday for the next week. You guys have fun, I'm just going to slave away."

"Sure thing, have fun brother," Henry said as he took another bite of food and raised his coffee mug to his brother as he walked away. "This really was delicious, thank you," he said as he stood up and starting clearing the plates away.

"I can clean up, if you need to shower or get ready, I can take care of this."

"I insist," he said as he placed a hand on her shoulder as he walked by causing her to smile at his touch. "It's the least I can do."

"Just let him do it, he wants to do the dishes! What man wants to do the dishes?" Danielle laughed. Elizabeth jumped and turned her attention to her friend. "You forgot I was here," she whispered with a smile. "I think you like him. Not that I can blame you, honey got a booty like pow pow pow."

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