Chapter 2 New Neighbor

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20 minutes had passed, and so far Australia is going well. The drive home was pretty quite, but very pleasant. On the way there, I tried to fall asleep since it was a pretty long plane ride. Right when I finally closed my eyes to rest, the car stop. 

"We're here, wake up girly." I heard my cousin's voice ring in the car, and the door opening and soon closed. Rolling my eyes, I sluggishly got out of the car and went to the trunk to get my bags. One by one, I took my luggage out of the car until I heard a door slammed shut by a near by house. Looking around my surroundings, I noticed the house that's directly next to my new home, was a guy.

To be honest, he's kind of attractive. I mean I don't really have a specific type, but he's got this, this luring pull. I seemed to be starin-I mean, analyzing him for to long since he turned to look straight to my eyes. The scowl he had before was soon replace with a cocky smirk. Of course me being me, shy and awkward, I immediately averted my eyes to the ground and picked up my bags to carry them to my new home. As I walked up to the front door, I swear I heard a light chuckle coming from him. But I'm not to sure.

The house isn't that grand. It's a small-ish medium house, but very home like. The aroma of light scented vanilla waft over me once I stepped in. 'oh I'm definitely going to love this place' I thought. I had a huge smile on my face. 'Finally. I can start new.'.

"What are you doing just standing around. Go put you bags in your room, so we can catch up!" Morgan excitedly walked away, probably to the living room. I did what I was told and went looking for my room. There were five doors upstairs, and one of them holds my room. I open one 'that's a bathroom, nope closet, a guest room, aha! my room.' Found it. I set down my bags and looked around. The walls were a very light shade of blue, almost white, I saw my queen size bed neatly made and pushed against the middle of the wall. A TV, closet, a bathroom and a small balcony that seem to fit only 2-3 people. I love my room.

I unpacked my clothes, putting my shirts and very few dresses in my closet and my skinny jeans and essentials in the drawers. Took me almost 30 minutes to do all that, but I've manage to finish it. I head for the living to catch up with Morgan.

"Hey," I spoke up, plopping myself next to her on the white leather couch.

"So how do you like Australia so far?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. I nodded.

"It's great so far. I like it." She smiled. This went on for hours. We talked about home, and my parents. She asked how my love life is-like always-and how I'm going to be continuing High School. I rolled my eyes, "Seriously!? Why can't I just take online school, it's almost the same but on a computer." I exclaimed. I can't believe this. This is so unfair. "I'm sorry, but you're going. Plus you only got one more year left right?" I nodded my head and pouted. She let out a chuckle, and got up from sitting down.

"I'm heading out to go see a friend. I told them I could hang out with them, are you ok being home alone?" Morgan walked to her jacket that laying on a chair in the dining room. "Yea I'll be fine don't worry. Have fun." She waved good bye and shut the door on her way out. I sighed and got up to go to my room. I took out my pajamas and my towel and went to my bathroom. I took a quick warm shower, and dried myself off. I brushed my teeth and got dressed in my pajamas and head back to my room and laid down on my bed. Looking to my right-towards my balcony-I notice a window across from me.

I got up from the bed to have a better look as curiosity took the better of me. I knew that it might be someone's room, and it's wrong to invade someone else's privacy, but I just had a feeling to go look. I opened the door to the balcony, only to notice a soft strum of a guitar. The beautiful sound was coming from the window. Not wanting to interrupt, I sat down and listen closely. Sadly the soft melody had stopped. I looked up to see the guy I saw when I got here. His pale skin covered in permanent ink. Beautiful designs are shown through his white tee-shirt. His blonde hair is messy and out of place when I last saw him, but still looked perfect some how.

I got up from sitting and went back in side. I went back to my soft bed, the fluffy white and grey striped blanket instantly giving me warmth. Closing my eyes-I rethought about the events that happened today-as fast as I did, I was consumed to darkness and with an empty dream.

Or so I thought...


Hey guys here is another chapter. I hope you like this chapter. I tried to make this chapter longer, so yea haha. If you didn't think about it I chose the song 'Wherever you are' for the guitar melody part so yea. Incase if any of you didn't know that lol. anyways got to go, and I swear, I'll try my very hardest to upload chapters as much as I can. Thank you guys!

- XO E.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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