Chapter 19

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"Okay Marius." You slammed your hands on the table next to him, "it's time we had a heart to heart conversation."

"Why?" he asked you frigidly.

"Because I'm tired of this!" you shouted and gestured rapidly between the two of you, "the two of us barely acknowledging each other's presence. What happened?"

"Nothing you need to worry your silly little mind about." He answered with his nose stuck up in the air, but because of how much taller than him you were it didn't really seem very pompous.

"I think I have the right to know." You retorted, "we're in this together. We're contracted together! Don't just leave me in the dark."

"Like I said, you don't need to worry about it." He answered simply before crossing his arms and turning around in his bowl to face the wall instead of you.

"Of course I'm going to worry about it!" you threw your arms up in the air and started pacing around in frustration. "Something happened and it completely changed our dynamic. I don't know what I did that caused you to have an icicle up your butt, but it's getting annoying."

"Just now?" he asked in amusion and turned back around to face you.

"Of course not just now." You replied scathingly, "try the last few weeks." You grabbed a chair and dragged it over to Marius' bowl before dropping roughly into the chair. "It's time for you to spill it."

"No." He crossed his arms and instigated a staring contest.

"I have all day." You countered by also crossing your arms and meeting his glare.

"Then we'll be here all day."

"Why are you so adamant about keeping it a secret?" you frowned. Marius started to speak but you interrupted him, "and don't give me that 'it's not your business' excuse." He closed his mouth. You sighed, "please Marius?"

He gave a fake gasp, "I think that's the first time you ever said please to me!"

"All the more reason to give me an explanation."

Marius didn't answer, "you really want me to pour my heart and soul into the air right now."

"Well not literally, and maybe not your entire heart and soul."

He nervously crossed and uncrossed his arms, "your existence doesn't offend me."

You gaped, "excuse me? What is that supposed to mean?"

"I don't mind your existence." He repeated.

"Ugh, I give up." You groaned and stood up.

"I thought you said you had all day!" he cackled.

You inwardly smiled, that was sounding a bit more like the old Marius, "I do! But I don't have the patience to deal with your annoying water butt!"

"So what's your plan now?" he questioned from his corner.

You shrugged, "I guess fly around." You looked out of the window to see a bright blue sky accompanied with lush green grass. It looked like it was going to be one of those rare nice days. "It's pretty nice outside."

He shrugged, "okay. See you later."

You made your way over to the door, "if I end up going to town, is there anything you need?"

"Seaweed!" he shouted.

"No guarantees." You warned before you opened the door into the bright world. You mumbled the incantation to yourself and felt the transformation occur. You gave yourself a little shake and then took off into the air. It was a beautiful day. The air was crisp and cool, there was a slight breeze, the sun was out, the sky was blue, the grass was green, fluffy clouds dotted the sky. It was definitely a perfect day to fly through the sky. With a few strong flaps from your wings, you were up in the air.

My Heart Gone Missing (Howl's Moving Castle)Where stories live. Discover now