Chapter 6

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You were back outside in the waste next to the lake where the hole extravaganza had started. "Years of training at the academy." You angrily grumbled, "and for what? Nothing!" you turned to the blank expanse of the land and shouted, "what even am I supposed to do! What do you want from me!" there was no reply except for the wind that swallowed up your words.

There was silence and then the hum of a plane made itself known. "What?" you murmured to yourself. Planes weren't a common occurrence. And this plane had an ugly loud roar. You squinted up into the sky and looked at the plane. It didn't look like a leisure plane that insanely rich people would use. You frowned and tried to think about it, then it hit you. It was a fighter plane. Your eyes widened in surprise and you found yourself taking small steps backwards towards your home. These planes rarely come out, and typically the emergence of these planes means war.

"Marius!" you screeched and ran back towards your home, "Marius!" you slammed open the door and the water demon choked and spluttered on something from your sudden appearance.

"What is it now (y/n)?" Marius asked in annoyance, "you want to use my power for some crazy grand scheme? Or maybe," his voice perked up, "you've realized how futile everything is and are ready to call of this deal!"

"No no, it's not that." You shook your head and closed the door behind you, "it's war." The magnitude of the word seemed to settle on your shoulders and you shouted, "war! It's war Marius! There is going to be a war."

Marius snorted, "right. And how would you know that?"

"Fighter plane." You pointed straight up as if you were pointing towards the sky through the ceiling of the house, "there was a fighter plane up there. They don't come out, unless we're on the brink of war."

"Humans." Marius scoffed, "always fighting over petty things."

"I need to find that spell." You declared urgently to Marius, "do you know something, anything, that could be of use?"

Marius rolled his eyes, for a ball of water he was sassy, "I'm not a wizard, and even if I was. I wouldn't tell you. You're-"

"Awful, I know." You interrupted the sassball, "thanks." You leaned over the book again and flipped to the back. "There was an index this entire time?" you screeched and resisted the urge to flip the table. "Invisibility, invisibility." You muttered under your breath and used your finger to help you keep track of where you were looking. "There." You quickly flipped to the page where the spell was written and read it over.

"Okay." You breathed after a moment of silence, "okay."

"You broken over there?" Marius voice called.

You walked over to one of the shelves and grabbed a piece of chalk from the tin of chalk you kept. You shoved aside chairs and tables to make a small clearing in the center of the room.

"You're going to do the spell in here?" Marius asked, "you'll blow the entire place up!" he shouted.

"I'll have you know I did go to the Academy." You turned to his bowl and spun the white chalk in your fingers, "and I graduated." You grabbed the book and squatted down to draw the image, "top marks too."

Marius snorted, "really?" he asked.

"Yes, really." You answered politely as you swirled the chalk around to make the surprisingly simple image. It was a circle, with multiple circles and triangles placed in what seemed to be in random places. "There." You placed the chalk down on a table and clapped your hands together to get off the dust. You stepped into the center of the circle and held the book in your arms. You took a deep breath and read aloud the incantation from the book. The moment you were done, you tossed the book onto the floor outside of the circle and did a few hand signals before slamming your hands onto the circle.

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