Sydney (Sid) Baker

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Stupid, Ignorant and Dumbass. I mean come on, really? I've got great grades and I can keep my shit together under some serious pressure. I am a mother fucking queen. I love those guys, but they can be mean sometimes. Especially Susy, I think she just doesn't like the fact that I don't acknowledge Schmidt's feelings for me. I mean, I know that they're there, but she can't hate me for not wanting to be with him. He's irresponsible and never finishes anything he starts. Ever. Sixteen years and counting.

"I got a call from one of the girls at school, everyone calls her Double D. Apparently no one showed up to help set up for homecoming, it's just her, and it starts in a couple of hours. I'm gonna go help set up." I got up from the table and threw all my stuff in the trash. Everyone pretty much said they'd go and help me out, so I'm not too stressed out about it. We all make a great team. The only people who needed to get ready was me, Maze and Susy. We leave a bag of clothes at everyone's house just in case something like this happens, so it only took us a couple of minutes to get ready. Although, the boys kept yelling at us to hurry up.

Okay, off topic as hell, but let me break down our fashion for you. I am a queen, as stated before, so I dress like one. I've got my reliable black-ripped jeans a strapless-white crop top that barely goes above my belly button and a light-ripped jeans jacket with my reliable high top white converse. None of us really sweat jewelry, especially just for set up.

Susy always wears high waisted blue jeans when she goes out, it's rare to catch her in anything else. This time it's the blue jeans that are folded outward at the bottom and a black pair of vans. She's wearing her cute black floral crop top with her marron-ish sweater on; of course. I approve, it's cute and comfortable, but she's constantly pulling her pants up and shirt down. Susy never enjoyed showing her stomach, so I don't get why she wears that outfit.

Maze usually sticks to the light faded colored jeans and a sweater or anything to cover her arms. Today it's the high waisted light blue jeans and a black 'BTS' T-shirt. I don't know what her deal is with them, but she worships the short one with the green hair; Sugar I think his name was. On the shirt it simply says 'BTS' on the back I think it says the name of one of them. K-pop is seriously weird, no lie. Anyway, she's got the same type of vans Susy has. She's wearing a thin grey jacket. Matching isn't much of a priority to her as much as comfortability.

Mitch and Schmidt usually like to wear the same clothes, the whole twin cliché really suits them. The only thing now is that Mitch has a bitchy girlfriend who doesn't like the fact that they wear the same clothes, so she bought him new clothes. Bitch. So now he dresses weird, he doesn't seem to mind, so I guess I'll let it slide. Mitch is wearing regular black jeans and a normal V-neck. Mostly, he now wears dull colors like black or grey; today it's a navy-blue shirt. Schmidt doesn't have a sense of fashion and Mitch was ninety percent of his impulse control. He just wears joggers and some shirts with holes in them, I don't even want to go into what he's wearing; Jesus Christ.

We all attend a prestigious school that my father built and owns called 'Besser High.' Besser means better in German, a lot of crap in this town is in German for some reason. Even our local nut house name is German, it's called Saint Hilfe; Saint Help. It makes no sense to me why most of our stuff is in German, but hey I can't complain. Anyway, Besser High is a private school only the best of the best gets to attend, of course you must pay to get in, but my father gave out a couple of scholarships to people who don't have the money; great man, I know. Susy, Mitch and Schmidt have scholarships to attend Besser, although Susy is the only one on an academic scholarship. Mitch and Schmidt are on athletic scholarships for football. Cool, right? Besser works kind of like a college. Only because my father is fond of them, no one else has a scholarship. Maze's father is the towns best lawyer, he even owns his own law firm, so he naturally has enough to pay for her way in and our dads are pretty much the best of friends, so we've known each other for a long time, although we weren't always friends.

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