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We were all walking home after an hour long detention with Ms.Stevens. Thanks to all of us being so candid all the time we have another hour long detention tomorrow. Apprently back talking to teachers who hate you and give you no respect at all,despite how good your grades are is a no. Even though I'm pretty sure it was obvious we didn't care.

"So guys what are we doing tonight?"asked Ashton.

"I have a date with Brad." Said Ally. I just rolled my eyes at her.

"Family dinner for me. Apparently, the twins misses me." laughed Dave.

"I think I'm going to go home and take a nice long bubble bath before trying to drown myself. My mom wants us to go take family pictures." groaned Austin as we tried not to laugh.

"Meaning?" pressed Dave.

"Next time you fuckers come over you'll see a giant family portriat over the fire place and get to make cracks about my tamed hair, fitting khakis and blue button down matching the family's."

"Oh, I can't wait." laughed Dave as he kissed Ally and I's cheeks and we all seperated. Well all of us except for Justin, I and Ashton. It wasn't until I took a closer look at him that I seen the fading bruises on his neck.

"Want to spend the night with me Ash? My parents are out of town."

He simply nodded his head before pulling into a hug. I heard as Justin cleared his throat.

"I guess you can come too. Besides, it doesn't feel like my day is complete if I can't run my fingers through your hair at least three times a day." I laughed as I blushed a little. He said nothing as as he grabbed my hand and we walked across the street to my house. As soon as we got in I flopped down on the couch.

"Oh wow, It didn't break under my weight." I joked only to hear them growl. "Down boys. I was only joking. Geesh, I'm sorry and I won't do it again." I laughed as they rolled their eyes. Ashton was quick to lay on the couch. He feet dangling in the air and his head in my lap.

"What happened this time babes?"

"It was this morning. He had been up all night drinking and asked me where I was going to late. I told him that it was seven in the morning and I was going to school like most people my age do. He accused me of smart mouthing threw the bottle at my head and wrapped his fingers around my throat. I didn't bother to try and fight him off. It was easier to let things play out without trying to fight back. I knocked on Ally's back door knowing you guys wouldn't see me and that she'll be late. She used some conceler to cover up the marks for me. I asked her not to say anything. I just didn't want to go back tonight."

"No problem. My parents will be gone for the entire month darling. I could use some company."

"Thanks Jay."

"Wait a minute, did you just admit that you've had makeup on all day?"

"Shut up ass." he laughed throwing a pillow at Justin. For a few hours we watched movies on Netflix and even order a pizza, after I promised that I would cook tomorrow. Suddenly Ashton was sleep. I placed a pillow under his head as I got up before convering him with a blanket and cleaning up our little mess with the help of Justin. As usual, after turning the tv and stuff off, we headed to the back to sit on my newer version of swings that I had when I was a child. We sat down and swayed in the warm breeze instead of swinging.

"Can we talk?" Justin spoke randomly. I looked down at my feet and sighed. I knew this was why he was acting weird all night.

"Justin..." I warned.

"Well at least let me talk and you listen."

"We aren't Brad and Ally, Just."

"I know that Jay. I never said we were. Can't I just get some things off my chest?" he pleaded.

"Fine." I mumbled.

"Look Jay, I can't put that night behind me like it never happened. I try for you,because I know you want it to be over already. It can never be over until we talk about it and you know it."

"There's nothing to talk about Justin."

"Oh really? I think it is. A druken mind speaks a sober tongue. You admitted that you cared for me. Cared deeper then the way you care for a friend. You asked me howcome I didn't see you for the fat slob you were. You said that if we were smart that we'd leave you guys to burn in hell smelling of bacon and pork chops." I couldn't help the little burst of laughter that slipped through my lips. He smiled before grabbing my mind.

"Do you want to know what was most perplexing about that entire night? The fact that you kissed me. YOU kissed ME. I thought you were enjoying it and I admit that I kissed back way more enthusicatically then I should've been, but after that kiss you...you need me in the groin. You attacked me like I was the one that initiated the kiss. I never understood why."

"It was a rash decision. I realized what I had done, and I reacted horribly. I admit I shouldn't have kneed you or pushed you into the pool afterwards, but I was scared. I ran home and Ally followed me. She comforted me and the whole time I just wished you were there. I wanted my bestfriend there. I didn't want to ruin the friendship we have and I still don't." I got up to walk away only to have him grab me by the wrist and pull me back towards him.

"Why does the idea of us being together so replusive to you?"

"Because I can't love myself the way you love me and I don't see me ever loving you more then just as my bestfriend!" I yelled before turning and running to the house making sure to lock the door. I looked out the window to see he wasn't there anymore. I slid down the wall with tears freely falling down my cheeks. I wasn't sure if he saw through my obvious lie or if he believed me completely. I looked up to see Ashton standing in the doorway.

"That wasn't nice Jay. You shouldn't have lied to him like that."

"I don't know why I said that Ash."

"You were scared." he said sitting on side of me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "he probably believes you though. Seeing as you've never lied to him before and all." he pointed out absentmindly.

"What have I done?" I said sobbing into his shoulder harder. I had a gut feeling that Justin now hated me.

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