Mermaids: Part Two | Pretty Girls.

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The new next door neighbours were in the process of moving in and Kelly had a bored interest in the activity as she sat outside in the sun. Seeing something out of the corner of her eye, Kelly looked to the bedroom window on the top level where Clara was waving at her. It wasn't long before the girl came running into the backyard.

"What are you doing here?" Kelly squealed in sheer excitement, nervously bouncing on the spot.

"My parents wanted a new start so here we are. At least this time I have a cool neighbour!"  Kelly's heart dropped at that, no one ever called her cool. "I'm talking about you Kel!"

To Kelly's shock and delight, Clara threw her arms around her in a tight hug. 

"We're going to be great friends!" Clara declared before running home.

Kelly's parents tried not to worry when she talked about the new girl next door and as the weeks went by, Clara always managed to visit before Kelly had another of her therapist appointments. The old tree house in the back corner of Kelly's yard was accessible from both sides and it became their secret meeting spot. Having been through it all herself, Kelly trusted Clara to get her through it.

"Remember, lie. Tell them what they want to hear, but maybe you shouldn't tell them about me?" Clara decided.


"They might work out we're lying and I don't want to go back there either." It made sense to Kelly.

The therapist was an old man who she was certain slept through most of the sessions. He smelt like dirty socks and was more interested in making sure she was taking her medication above all else. Thanks to Clara, Kelly had also learned how to trick her parents into thinking she swallowed the pills and had well rehearsed her lines to tell the old man during their time together.

As the days turned into weeks, Kelly's parents started to see a positive change in their daughter, giving them hope that it had all been a horrible phase in their teens life. The only issue they had now was the mystery of Clara Mitchells. They didn't know where she came from or how she'd get inside at night. Anytime they went to interrupt them at the treehouse Kelly was alone as yet again, Clara had managed to disappear.

In therapy, Kelly went dead quiet about Clara and after ten awkward minutes of silence, they moved on to other topics.

"How does Clara make you feel Kelly?" The doctor asked her in the soft, patronizing tone.

"Like I belong. She's my friend. Why do you keep asking so many questions about her?" Kelly snapped defensively.

"We're just curious Kelly. Why don't you invite her to dinner Mrs Michaels?" 

"What a lovely idea! Kelly, you can ask her for dinner tonight if you like? As a reward for being such a good girl?" Her mother urged.

"Fine. I'll ask her, but she might be busy or something."

The doctor and her mother shared a look that Kelly didn't miss and wondered if it was just a trick to get Clara back into the therapist office. She quick to share the news with Clara when she got home, rushing  to the tree house where the girl was already waiting for her.

"Maybe we shouldn't hang around each other any more Kelly." Was all Clara had to say.

"It's just one dinner!" Kelly argued, her eyes brimming with tears at the rejection from her only friend.

Clara said nothing as she left the treehouse and unable to stop herself from crying, Kelly ran inside her own home and went straight up to her room. Her parents didn't know what to do or say and as Kelly was called to dinner, it wasn't her mother that came through the door, but Clara.

"I'm sorry Kelly. I was a terrible best friend. Just make sure I don't have to talk to your parents. They make me uncomfortable!" 

"I promise! So we're still best friends?" Kelly wiped her eyes and Clara nodded, giving her a hug.

"The bestest."

Kelly practically ran downstairs, the smile on her face the biggest, most genuine smile either of her parents had seen in sometime.

"Whats got you so happy?" Her mother asked, serving up dinner.

"Look who is here! Clara, meet my parents! Mum, Dad, this is Clara!" Kelly turned as Clara stepped out from around the corner only to be greeted by silence.

"They don't like me." Clara muttered under her breath, instantly wanting to leave.

"Of course they do Clara!" Kelly promised, turning to look at her parents who were frozen in place. "Mum?"

"Sorry love, um, hello Clara. How nice of you to join us for dinner!" 

Her parents looked at each other in a mixture of fear and confusion before her dad finally acknowledged Clara too. "Nice to meet you Clara. We've heard so much about you!"

Clara didn't answer and Kelly nudged her friend to try and make her speak. When that didn't work, Kelly quickly made up an excuse for her friends strange behaviour. "She's a little shy with people she doesn't know."

"Of course. How about we all take a seat?" Her mother forced a smile on her face and once they had all found a place, Clara refused to interact or eat the spaghetti.

Kelly talked in over time to make up for it, eating all her dinner and even asking for more; something she hadn't done in months. Seeing their daughter so happy with her friend had her parents hearts breaking.

"They don't like me." Clara whispered to Kelly as dessert was bought out.

"Whats wrong love?" Kelly's mother asked, seeing her daughter frowning.

"Clara doesn't think you like her!"

Looking at her husband, he raised his eyebrows. "No, that's not it at all. We're just not used to having two pretty girls at the table. That's a lovely," her mother hesitated, "dress, you have on Clara!"

"Do you really think we're pretty?" Kelly asked, glancing at Clara who shrugged.

"The prettiest. We're so happy to have her join us for dinner!" 

"See Clara, you're just being silly." Kelly laughed and dug into her ice cream.

For the next week her parents encouraged Clara to visit and no matter what they were doing, her mother was always close by to keep an eye on them. She took them to the shops and let them go to the park, clearly making an effort to get to know Clara. It was annoying Kelly how rude and uncooperative she was and so come the next therapy session, Kelly told the doctor all about Clara. 

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