To Be With You: Part One | Whose Side Am I On?

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The murmur of voices coming from the dining room lured Carmen in. Denton hadn’t told her to expect company and a feeling of dread took over as she opened the door. Nothing could have prepared her for the shock of seeing Mason sitting to the left of her husband at the table and she prayed the shock wasn’t still showing on her face as she approached. Denton threw his back laughing and opening his eyes, they found Carmen’s instantly.  Her earlier instincts were now proved correct. Denton did know something, only she didn’t know how much and of what.

“I like you Mr. Redden!” Denton chuckled to himself again, and as Carmen stopped beside her husband Mason refused to look at her. “Ah Carmen, meet Mike Redden. Paul’s newest recruit.”

“I didn’t know he was hiring?” Carmen asked casually, not bothering to pay much attention to the newest security guard.

“Long story, you don’t need to the know the details.” Denton’s face turned to stone as he looked at her, annoyed she was able to conceal her own emotions as well as he could.

“Of course. So why he is joining us for dinner?”

Mason looked between the couple nervously, not liking the cold shoulder he was getting from Carmen at all. It was almost as if she was trying too hard not to acknowledge him and when his superiors had managed to use one of the insiders to get him the position at the Rivers compound, he hadn’t been able to refuse.

“Thought you might like to get to know each other, I know how fussy you are with who we have working for us.” His tone was made of venom, each word a challenge trying to get a reaction out of her and to a lesser extent, him. Denton wasn’t an idiot. He knew exactly who and what Mason was, not only in the eyes of the law, but in the eyes of his wife. To his advantage he had complete control over one of those things.

Smiling at Carmen, she returned it with one just as fake and as dinner was brought out Denton’s attention returned his guest. Each question was well planned and thought out, leaving Mason squirming in his seat more than once. By the time they had finished eating, Carmen dreaded the moment dinner was truly over.

“Mr. Rivers, you have a phone call.” Paul appeared in the entry to the dining room, the hulk of a man glaring at his new charge as he did so.

“Thank you Paul, please excuse me.” Getting up, Denton gripped Carmen’s shoulder and digging his nails in she ended up biting her lip to stop from crying out at the pressure. He lowered his mouth to her ear, still not easing up his hold on her. “End it now or I will.”

Once they were alone Carmen rolled her shoulder, rubbing where it hurt the most as Mason waited for her to break the silence. How could he tell her the assignment was out of his hands? Would him being here now convince her to go undercover for them or scare her away? He was certain she’d never tell Denton, but there was a lot at risk now – including his life. He was in the lion’s den and there no clear way out.


 “Mrs. Rivers, thank you,” she interrupted coldly, “I can’t help you Mr. Redden. It’s over.”

 Masons mouth opened and closed before he could finally form words. “Over? What about-”

 “He knows, leave and make sure they take you off the case if you want to keep breathing.”

 “How do you know he knows?”

“Why do you think you’re even here? Paul doesn’t hire anyone, ever. Staff are not invited to dinner and there is no phone call!” She needed him to work it out, and ignoring the ache in her chest she kept going. “We were nothing more than wasting time. Goodbye Mason.”

“No, I promised to get you of this and I will!” He quickly moved to block her from getting up. “Take this, get what you can. Friday night we’ll meet up after the fundraiser and I’ll take it from there. Trust me Carm!”

Carmen looked at the USB and tape recorder he had placed in her hand and tucked them into the pocket of her jeans before nodding. “I don’t love you Mason, don’t think for a second what we had was real.”

To both their surprises, he kissed her and just as the footsteps were heard from outside the door he swiftly returned to his seat. For someone who was just broken up with, he had to fight to hide the smile that wanted to take over. They were going to take down that bastard once and for all because he knew Carmen would do it.

“Sorry for taking so long. Carmen, that was actually your Father. He sends his love and they’re having a wonderful time on their cruise!” He looked at Mason, looking for some kind of distress and found it. “I gave her family some, help, a couple of years ago. It’s nice to hear they’re enjoying retirement now.”

“That was quite generous of you Mr. Rivers.” Mason complimented, coughing awkwardly as Carmen sat their lost in her own thoughts she seemed oblivious to the conversation going on around her.

“I suppose it was. I know Carmen was very appreciative and things have worked out well for everyone. Haven’t they darling?”

As Denton took her hand, Carmen jumped and looking at the pair nodded. “Yes. Of course.”

“You see Mike, when I want something I do whatever it takes to get it. My wife is much the same and-“

“Let’s not bore him Denny. Thank you for joining us for dinner Mr. Redden, please excuse me.” Carmen got up and left the room before Denton could stop her. The devices were burning a hole in her pocket as she practically ran up the stairs and stashed them both away in her wardrobe. Why did she have to let Mason in? She had been so weak that night they first met. Fighting with Denton always left her broken, vulnerable and looking for a way out of their stupid arrangement.

Love. Denton had promised he would love her. Mason was saying the same things now. Were the two really so different? Could Mason be doing all of this for his job, would he be getting a promotion – would he still want her? At least Carmen knew where she stood with Denton.

“You did it then?” Denton slipped off his jacket as he entered their bedroom, throwing it on the chair in the corner as he passed it.


 “You should know by now I don’t like to share my things.”

His cologne was so familiar, strong and masculine just like the wearer. Carmen inhaled it deeply, looking for a sign to tell her what to do.

“I’m not yours.”

“That diamond on your finger says otherwise. You agreed to be mine Carmen, or do I have to go back on our deal too?”

The manipulation was obvious. Anytime things got like this he would bring up their marriage contract. He had wanted her, she refused, so he did whatever he had to for her mind to be swayed. It cost her parents their own businesses and since he was able to come up with all the answers to their problems with one simple act, the pressure for her to do as her parents wanted was unbearable and the deal was done. No one believed her when she accused Denton Rivers, son of their lifelong friend and associate, to be the one behind their original demise.

Carmen only sighed in defeat. “Why can’t you love me like he does?”

“Because that is all a lie. Does he actually know the real you?”

Denton stood behind her, resting his chin on her shoulder as he gently ran his hand up and down her arms.

“No. I don’t want to be this person anymore Denny!” Turning she threw her arms around his neck and she let him hold her as she cried.

“I know who are Carmen, and I do love you – all of you. It’s why I had to have you in the first place. Cross me again and I won't be so kind.”

Somehow his words were actually a comfort and deep down Carmen knew it was all true. How could someone like Mason love someone like her? It was a nice dream to have and yet she couldn’t make herself let it go either.

 Carmen knew she had to pick a side and now she only had until Friday to do it.

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