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As you can probably see from the picture, we got 7, 1 week old  chicks!

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As you can probably see from the picture, we got 7, 1 week old  chicks!

1 Ayam Cermani (she was actually a lot cheaper than we expected, a nd we didn't even expect to get her, just 5, but I'll  explain in a minute) 2 polish tolbunts, 2 copper marans, 1 olive egger(Maran/Americana cross, fondly known by my family as a  maranacauna) and a  laced Blue bell(laced blue bells are the cross between an Ayam cermani and an americana. They are specifically bred to have certain Blue laced feather coloring, but have the Ayam black skin and flesh! Blue bells are only found at the farm we got them from, Dragonflyfarm. She  runs a small, but good hatchery business!)

Here is the pic without the words

This was taken after they were out in a car carrier to take them home!

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This was taken after they were out in a car carrier to take them home!

So, what happened was, we were only supposed to get 5 chicks, 2 polish, 2 copper marans, and the laced bluebell. After choosing out of the chicks,  the lady asked us if we wanted anymorw, then said something I can't remeber. My mom ended up saying I could pick out another chick of any breed(I think it was partially out of pity for me losing both willow and Juniper in less than 3 days) and I chose the Ayam cemani. We left the chick room and  the lady was  counting up the cost. She said since the polish toppings were expensive, we could have a 10% discount and it gave us enough money left over(She only accepted cash and we had only brought a certain amount for the 5, but ended up having enough for 6, and then after the discount, enough for 7 and we still had a dollar in change) to get another chick, and then my mom chose an olive egger/maranacana!

Here are their names!

The Ayam cermani  is Onyx(after the gem)  she is mine

Laced blue belle(my mom's)- belle

polish tolbunt(little sister 's) no name yet :/

Polish tolbunt(other little sister 's) also needs name

Maranacauna/Oliver egger(my mom's)-unconfirmed, but possibly named Lilac

two copper maran s weren 't anyone 's until I claimed them today(we got the chicks Thursday and now it's friday)  so I haven't gotten to spend much time with them yet  they are unnamed and I f you have any name suggestions I 's love to hear it!

If you subscribe to my YouTube channel, in a few day's I'm going to post a video about our chickens!

Here is the link:

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