Teenage jokes (apparently)

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What does JCpenny and teenagers have in common.

Pants 50% off.

Man - Haven't I seen you someplace before? Woman - Yes, that's why I don't go there anymore.

Man - Can I buy you a drink? Woman - I think I'd rather have the money!

Man - Will you go out with me this Saturday? Woman - Sorry, I'm having a headache this weekend.

Man - Is this seat empty? Woman - Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.

Man - So what do you do for a living? Woman - I'm a female impersonator.

Man - "So do you want to go out maybe?" Women - "Sorry, I don't date outside my species."

Person#1: Why do you smell funny? Person#2: It's called Soap - didn't think you would have smelt it before.

Boy - Would you like to dance? Girl - Yes! Boy - So I can take this chair?

It's amazing you love nature so much in spite of what it did to you.

You are dark and handsome; when it's dark, you are handsome.

I'd explain it to you, but I don't have any crayons with me.

Yo Mamma has such a big mouth; she could eat a banana sideways.

Some people bring happiness wherever they go - you bring happiness whenever you go.

(^personally love that one^)

1. Escalators don't break down... they just turn into stairs

2. "I'm sorry" and "I apologize" mean the same thing... except when you're at a funeral.

3. I intend to live forever... or die trying.

4. We never knew he was a drunk... until he showed up to work sober.

5. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

6. A blind man walks into a bar....And a table, and a chair.

7. At what age is it appropriate to tell my dog that he's adopted?

8. Want to hear a pizza joke.... nah, it's too cheesy. What about a construction joke? Oh never mind, I'm still working on that one. Did you hear the one about the rope? Skip it. Have you heard the one about the guy in the wheelchair? Never mind, it's too lame.

9. I used to be in a band, we were called 'lost dog'. You probably saw our posters.

10. I childproofed the house... but they still get in!


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~ Sage xx

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