Chapter 3

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Rais Hamiduo, Algeria – 2100 hours

The CSI's strike team Charlie is currently watching and keeping an eye to an old warehouse built on the beach side of the suburb countryside, the three bases of the unit is spread across all sides boxing the warehouse in; base one on the ground 100 meters from the warehouse and is bound to attack after the shipments were completed, base two on the hillside for aerial patrol and truck deliveries watch and base three on the waters guarding the boat shipment.

Illegal smugglers are under the unit Charlie's watch after these smugglers successfully broke into the still-under-construction CSI headquarters in Nepal and stole the prototype weapons and blueprints in there, planning to recreate it and sell to the market

"I count in 4 subjects exiting the front door of the warehouse" base one commander, Hayden Olivers reported

"Got visuals of the crates?" strike team Charlie leader, Leila Charlton asked

"Nope not yet, but I'm having a visual of the 5th subject, seems to be holding the blueprints" Hayden replied "base two, what you got?"

"3 o'clock (his position), got no visuals of any crates or weapons" base two member, Louie Mandi reported "2 o'clock, you got anything?"

"2 o'clock visuals clear" base two agent Lia Collins reported

"1 o'clock got no visuals too" base two commander, Hannah Mandi reported "wait hold on! I'm seeing people carrying crates!"

"Sharp as always sister" Louie commented "we're gonna need to get closer"

"Right, Lia you stay on your ground, you'll fill my post as the watcher" Hannah ordered

"Copy that, crates loaded in the truck by the way" Lia answered "prepare your position"

"Copy that, Louie come on" Hanna replied

"Got it" Louie answered

"Leila, base three reporting, another pile of crates were loaded in the ship, waiting for your signal, we're in position" base three agent, Ethan Golly reported

"Copy that, base one in position too, men are emptying the building it seems that their leader is gonna wait for an aircraft to pick him up" Leila reported back "that will be our opening"

"Louie and I will go closer to the site, Lia will take my position as the watcher" Hannah reported

"Ready your position people, we got only minutes before we strike now" Leila ordered in the unit's coms

Base one stance prepared

Base two agents' positions locked

Base three ready to move

When suddenly...


The entire unit froze from their positions as they got distracted by what seems to be a slim line from afar and a huge, circular light coming from heavens in a nearer sight – the Bifrost light, it struck through the hillside of the site, precisely near Lia's position.

It lasted for a few more seconds before the light faded and leaving what seems a lifeless body on the center of the huge circle mark that the light left.

"What happened?" Leila asked from the com

"I don't know, what is that?" Hayden asked

"Lia? Are you still there?" Hannah asked trying to reach Lia

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