VERY early A.M with Cat!

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[ at room ]

*starts filming*

Cat: Heyyy! It's me Cat! *smiles*

Anyway, guess what time it is?

Its past midnight!! eheehehhe

*suddenly got hit by a pillow*

◈Cat: OWW! D;



[ at living room ]

◈Cat: *whispers* That was Sam. Sorry bout' that.

*sitting upside down on couch* Have you always wondered what people do when they wake up at this hour?

Well.... If you wanna know, I'll be showing you what I do if I'm awake After Midnight! :D


[at kitchen]


1. Well, first of all... i eat bibble. DUH

*eats bibble*

2. Check the slap page! or make a video like what I'm doing right now! -- Oh wait.. I don't remember recording this early before.


[at a convinience store] (some people are obviously staring lol)

3.! Go to a 24/7 convenience store to have grocery secretly. If you wanna know why, well I started doing this since 2 weeks ago cause like Sam always asks me to buy her some chicken wings and she always ran out of chicken cause she keeps on eating it! And she's very lazy to get herself and always ask me to get her one!  So yeah I buy 15 packs of 5kg raw chicken wings every week.

And where do I store it? Well if you didnt know there is a safe on our room and inside it is a small room. So yeah I store it there. And I don't think Sam knows I hid it there tho.. -- I think she forgat there's a mini room inside the safe. o.o

Well its time for #4!


[back at home]

4. Send voicemails to Jade and Tori! :D I don't know why they reply back so angry tho..

What's my #5?

5. Go back to sleep!

◈ Cat: This has been Cat~

Now byeeeeeeeeeeeeee! *waves*


*end of video*


N/A: If some of u think I made up the secret safe thing.. nope I didnt. ^-^ There was an episode on Sam and Cat about it called "Secret Safe". Thanks for reading lol ~Admin

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