day four hundred and twenty three

272 39 26

Her friend always kept her updated with his life, although they had split over a year ago.

She assumed he left her for someone else, due to the fact he started dating quickly after. And of course, she was right.

She heard about his marriage through mutual friends. She was surprised on how quickly he married someone he barely knew.

Yet, she also heard about his divorce shortly after. His ex-wife had taken everything from him.

The female felt pity for him, but she was also satisfied with revenge.

She was at the local grocery store, shopping for some final items for a huge Thanksgiving dinner she was hosting. She was finally going to introduce the man she had started dating to her family.

As she was in the check-out isle to pay for her items, her eyes instantly locked onto the cashier's ... as she heard his bittersweet, familiar voice.

"That'll be $45.96-" he instantly stopped himself as he recognized her. She had changed her appearance dramatically compared to the last time he had laid eyes on her. "Wow. You look great!"

"Thanks," she spoke awkwardly. "How are you?"

"Life sucks, how are you?"

"Life couldn't be better," she adds as she searches her purse to pay for her items. "I heard about your marriage."

"Yeah, shit happens!" He put the cash into the register and handed her the change. "Maybe we could try again?"

"I'm seeing someone," she spat as she walked away, with a smile plastered onto her face.

She was untroubled,


and at a healthy state of mind.


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