Chapter 27: Pageant

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Today is the pageant and I'm really nervous like hell!!!

Okay enough with the chitchats

Im here at the backstage and ako na next!

"Now let's give a round of applause for Princess Ysabela Alexandra Sapphire Lightian of Light Academy!" Sigw ng emcee at pumunta na ako sa stage

Model of course hahha

"I'm Ysabela Alexandra Sapphire Lightian, 18 years old representative of Light Academy!" Sabi ko and then I gave them ny signature smile

"Yuhoo!" Sigaw nila

"Kapatid namin yan!" Sigaw nila kuya at ni lia

"Fiancé ko yan!" Sigaw naman ni max

"GO YAS!" Sigaw ng mga kaibigan ko

Pati ang iba sumigaw din

Pagtapos nun ay nag palit na kami ng sports wear at rumampa












Okay ayan na hahaha I don't want to detail lahat ng nangyayari

"And now our question for Princess Ysabela is......If you're gonna save a life who will you choose? Yourself or your family and friends?" Tanong ng emcee

This is an easy question

"If I we're to choose whom I'm gonna save, my answer is my family and friends, because without them I can't live, without them I'll feel empty, without them I'll feel like I'm also dead, In short they're MY LIFE, without your life you cannot live right? Same as mine, I'll do anything, everything just to save them even if it means taking my own life, I won't think twice to exchange my life for their life, I'll do it with no hesitation, cause MY LIFE MEANS NOTHING WITHOUT THEM" sabi ko then I gave them my siganture smile

Tahimik naman at maya maya ay umingay din

I'm true to my words

I'll always choose them over me

Sabi ko nga diba...

My life means nothing without them

Inintay namina ngresulta and to my surprise kami ni ice ang nanalo

Di naman namin hinakot ang award noh

They congratulate the both of use for winning

Of course alangan for losing right? Tch

After that we ate dinner together im the secret garden

With the royalties of Magic Academy

And also HM Xander and HM Alex

After our dinner we all went back to our dorms and they also went back to MA

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