A/N (please take time to read this)

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Please follow this accounts because these accounts are a collaboration of me and my friends.

Authors: LittleAngelOfDevils
And of course Me^_^

Authors: LittleAngelOfDevils
And me>-<

Thank you again for supporting my account and my stories! But please support those two other accounts that I've mentioned earlier.

We'll post stories that has different types of genres. Maybe not now or this months because we also have our own story's to work on and we can't do it all at the same time.

Thank you again and sorry if I'm taking too long to update the Fweail Academy 2. I just couldn't think of what will happen next because I forgot it the day after I imagine what'll be the next scene.

Thank you again for your time and support💜Saranghaeee💜💜💜

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