Age 5 1985

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"Daddy, daddy!" Anna ran into the potions classroom during a lesson, and hiding behind Snape grabbed onto the back of his robes. "Scary man after me daddy!"

"Anna, what on earth are you doing?"

Right then Filch came running into the classroom. "Where is she? I swear that girl is the spawn of the devil!" He spotted Anna behind Snapes' leg. "Aha! There you are! I'm going to catch you now!" And he lunged for Anna.

She squealed and ran from her behind her father. Bill Weasley reached out, grabbed her and pulled her behind him. Everytime Filch tried to get behind Bill to Anna, Bill stepped into his path.

"Argus!" Snape snapped. "What are you doing disturbing my class?"

"It wasn't me proffessor Snape, it was this girl. When I catch her I'm taking her to proffessor Dumbeldore. When I find out which student is responsible for her being here, I'll-"

"Anna, Mr. Filch, is my daughter. She is supposed to be here." Snape had moved from the front of the class, around Bills' desk and was now behind Anna. He rested his hands on her shoulders. "I trust that you will refrain from chasing my daughter around the school corridors and into my classroom?"

Filch grumbeled something and left. Snape then looked down at Anna. She beamed up at him.

"I honestly have no idea how he missed you being here your whole life." He commented.

"Thank you daddy. He's really scary."

Snape snorted and returned to the front of the classroom. "Continue with your potions, if you will."

Bill turned to Anna after he added the ingrediant he had been preparing when she ran in.

"Bill Weasley." He said holding out his hand.

"Anna Snape. Thanks for stopping the scary man from getting me." She shook his hand, an oddly mature move for a five year old. "What are you makeing?"

"Draught of living Death. Best if you just sit on this stool here and just watch. Don't want anything to happen to you." Anna did as she was told and sat up on Bills' stool. She had lots of questions about what things were, and what you could use them for. Snape looked over a couple of times and each time Bill was explaining all about one thing or another. If it weren't for ther fact that his potion was nearly complete and that it was, so far, perfectly done, he would have called Anna away from him and told her to stop distracting the boy. After all, he was a fourth year in a sixth year class. Bill had already passed his potions O.W.L with an O and he was only fournteen. It seemed the boy enjoyed potions.

At the end of the lesson Anna skipped up to her father. "Daddy, can I eat lunch with Bill? Pleeease?"

Snape sighed and looked up at Bill who was waiting by his desk. He looked back down at Anna, then back up at Bill. Finally, he threw his hands in the air. "Oh alright. But make sure she doesn't eat to many sweets, or she'll drive McGonigall mad. She usually spends the afternoon with her."

Anna cheered and hugged Snape, then took off out the door, grabbing Bill's hand on the way. Snape could hear their laughter halfway down the corridor.

"You do realize, Severus, that all she's going to talk about is Bill for the next, oh, month?"

Snape jumped then covered his face with his hand. "I wish you would stop doing that headmaster."

Dumbeldore chuckeled. "It's hard to believe that it's been five years."

"She looks more like you every day headmaster. It's only a matter of time 'till she or someone else notices. There'll be questions, one's you won't want to answer."

"When that day comes, you will answer her questions. Just like you always do."

Snape sighed. "I don't want to hurt her, and finding out that we've lied to her her whole life... it'll devastate her."

"She may understand why we did it Severus. She's a smart girl. Besides, when she gets over the shock, she'll realize that the headmaster is her father. Who knows what will happen then?"

Snape sighed. "For now she's mine and all is right in her world."

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