Chapter 3

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When we turn..... It w-as T-taehyung!!!
Freak Freak!! what will I do?? pretending to be invisible !!!!

Nonono this is real ,, wait what?! no! am I dreaming? nooooooo this could'nt be happening I swear.!!!

I snap back in reality and pull Mina closer to me. We both stared at him in the moment.

"H-hi Taehyung, why I mean how did you find us??" I asked him.
"Well I just saw you both hiding here and looks like you are spying in to someone."

Omg!!! I just hope that he does'nt know our secret or else I will freakingly explode and will be 100 percent invisble ever..

"Oh hahaha were not, were just getting f-fresh air yeah" I stuttered as I held Mina tight of nervousness. I can do this, stop stuttering Hyejin.

Suddenly he ask something......That makes me nervous again. "BTW why did you guys ran away at the cafeteria? I was about to eat with You guys. What's the problem??"

And now this is life .....I swear he knows the secret or maybe not... but how could he reach us when he was block with some of his fans like yo!

I kick Mina's feet and she groans. I just act like nothing happened. She looked at me and I furrowed my eyebrows telling her to tell the problem. I waited for her to say it until she look at Taehyung and said.

"I- Um because Hyejin told me that y-"
Before she could even said the real thing that happened. I cut her off and said.
"Because I said that you are such an idiot!" And perfectly the bell rang that means it's time for the next subject.My favorite subject Science. I grab Mina with me and leave at the rooftop leaving Taehyung there with a blankface. yeah I know its not the real thing I said because I should keep it as secret and thats my promise but I hope that he don't mind it as the real truth.

TBH hes really an idiot. I took my notebooks and books in my locker ready for the next subject, I and Mina are not in the same shedule so we just separate. I went inside the classroom and sit on my chair. I look at the clock. 1min before the class will start. I waited for our teacher to get in.

Min. later our teacher came. It's teacher Sunmi. I also love her and like her because shes patient, lovable, and kind. We all greeted her and sit down. When the class started I feel dizzy again and feeling bored all the time, Although I love the aubject but my eyes can't really wait and yea I fell asleep.

I wake up when the ring bells and finally the class ended, Its dismissal time my most favorite subject. lol
I took my ntbks and books and put it in my locker, since I love reading books I took one of my story books in my locker. It is Descendants, Freddie's Shadow Cards(if u know dis book) and put it in my bag then I walk to the gate. Befor I could get out someone grab my hand that makes turn to him. I gasped as I saw the person infront of me.

"Hyejin, wanna come home with us?" Jungkook said. I think twice if I should go with them (da oder one is jimin). Until I decided. " yeah sure I 'll come!"
But too late when I decide because Taehyung came and walk toeards me.
"Hyejin father will fetch us, just wait here" He looked at the two guys whom I was with and rolled his eyes off them and walk away.

" Yah Jungkook why is Taehyung so mean to the both of you? I wonder why, are u guys arguing?" I ask as I saw Taehyung's figure faded away from my sight.

"Yes he is a cold person and does'nt want too much friends. Since he is my hyung, but he just did'nt care about us that much so yeah". I furrowed my eyebrows. "Really? well yea I think so because that's what he also did to me at home."

Wait What da freak? da secret is spreas to them.... I wish they did not hear it clearly....Holy sheet of paper!!!

"Y-you mean you and Taehyung are living in one house?? How could that freaking be?" He says in a jealous tone like yuhhh, I get it Jungkook.

Well, should I tell the secret or not? Aisshh Hyejin-ah stop !!! This wo'nt be happening and will never!!, I promise this to myself that I will not tell the secret!!! yeah...

"A-ah no? we're not living in one house?!, We-re just- I mean we're neighbors!! And he sometimes came in to our house or like visit sometime" I stuttered as I say the word hoping he could'nt notice my stutter that time.
He glared at me. I just gave him an inoccent smile acting like nothing is wrong. Yeah that's Hyejin.....

When he was about to say something but luckily he was cut off by Taehyung.Wooh my goodness finally he's here. Bye bye Jungkookie I don't need your fulll explanation cuz my life will be ruined if u continue ur freakin sentence.

"Goodbye Jungkook and Jimin!! See ya tomorrow!!" I quickly dashed to the car and gopped inside. I look at the window and saw Jungkook with a blankface and just stared for a min.
I chuckled. Wooh I'm finally relieved...

Dad turns on the engine and drive home...

"Hyejin how's school? Is it great? Did you enjoy your first day??"He says while driving and concentrating at the road. I proudly answer.

"Yes dad!! I have met my new classmates and friends and the school campus is so amazing and interesting!!".

"Oh really? Who are your new classmates and friends?". I happily answered the question.... (not that much)

"They are Mina, Jungkook, and Jimin, I forgot the names of others but the three of them are my bestfriends and I mostly get close with is Jungkook but much more to Mina because we are in same gender." lol. As I said the word JUNGKOOK, Taehyung turns his face to me and I can see him glare at me with my half eye at the right.

Yah jealous much???. LMAO

As I was about to say something to dad, He suddenly interrupts me.
"Really? Jungkook?huh?" He asked angrily..Or I think his jealous??.. Aissh don't even think about it Hyejin, he's not you boyfriend remeber that.. I am confused at what he was talking about.
V's P.O.V
"They were Mina, Jungkook, and Jimin"
I gulped when I heard that Jungkook was one of her bestfriends.. Shook no way Hyejin u do'nt know that Jungkook is a playboy and gets along dates with random girls even if he's a member of BTS but I still don't care.... cuz I don't really care that much with my hyungs and even the maknaes (including JK)
"Really? Jungkook?huh??" I asked angrily.

IDK why I just feel jealous.... but why do I feel jealous?? when I don't even f***ing care her life?? Aisshh there's no way I can like her, she's rude...but beautiful and smart..

I glared at her and she gave me a confusing look in my eyes
                     End of V's P.O.V

-BangPinkFanatic7501 ..... twynks

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