Chapter 9

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Someone opened the door and it's...


"Tae? I thought your not yet sleepy? How about Jung kook?" I said nervously. He smirked at me. "I don't know, he's sleeping with jimin and suga's room. I widened my eyes.
" So you mean only two of us here? "
" Yes? Exactly. " My heartu started beating fast.

Something would happen here. I knew it.

Tae came nearer to me and crawled up to my bed.

Warning ⚠️ something might happen here but it's not smut or something. It's just almost.. Lol 18+ I guess.

" T -Tae what are you doing? Why are you-" Before I could even finish my sentence, he quickly kissed my neck then to my lips going down of my whole body. Idk what to do so I just kisses him back.

I can't hold it anymore so I shouted. "Taehyung get out of me!! I don't like this u bitch!" But still he won't listen and keeps on crawling up to my body. Until suddenly someone knocked on the door.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I quickly pushed taehyung away from me and he quickly changed his clothes and fix himself.

Y/N: Who's that!?
I went near the door to hear the voice.
"It's me, Jung kook can I enter now? I'm sleepy." - Jung kook. I secretly smirked.

Urgh, Right. This Tae is a big fat lier. I gotta give my revenge... 😭😠

I sighed. "OK Jung kook, I'll open the door." I opened the door and he entered, he smirks at me idk why.. Lol. As he passed by, I can see Jung kook gaving an evil glare at taehyung which is idk why. Maybe he's angry or whatever. They're always like that. Lmao.

Jung kook: y/n can I sleep with you? I'm scared to sleep in my own bed. Hehe

I turned to him and widened my eyes.
For the first time, I heard Jung kook being scared with his own bed aishhh... Lmao. 🤣😂😂

Y/N: A-ah ok sure. (I faked smile)
When I look at my side, I saw Tae giving me glare which made me so nervous.

Jung kook suddenly asked.
"Y/N?" I look at him. "Yah?". "Are you okay?" - Jung kook. "Yes I'm fine! Very very fine jeje..." I said awkwardly. He rubbed his hand on his knee and smile. "OK so can I sleep now?" *smirks*

Y/N: Sure! Let me off the lights first.
I walk to the door and before even I off the lights someone asked me. "Y/N can I sleep with you too?" - V. I shook my head and roll my eyes. "Aishh!! Tae, your my brother, we've been hanging out for so long in our house so can you please stay away from me first? Like ryt now?" I crossed my arms.

He again smirks. "Or do you want to continue the- - -?". I cutted his sentence. "Yah yah yah, okay fine."
I can see both of them gaving an evil glare at each other 3 t I was near the door. I know this is kinda weird cause I'll be sleeping with these two idiots right beside me like Wtf?!

I offed the lights and went to bed right away and shut my eyes. I turned my left side to face Jung kook, then I suddenly smiled.

He's literally cute when sleeping.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my waist and hug me tight that I can't rarely move or breathe. I knew it was Tae....

Why is he so weird right now?

But I can't still imagine that my step brother did this to me, he do have s- with me almost but luckily Jung kook interrupt.... And much better.

"Why are you still awake baby?" Taehyung said with a smirk on his face.

Eww!! I hate someone calling me baby!! Do I even look like a baby!?

I said in my mind. Then I glare at him. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes at him. He evily grinned "Are you still thinking about it?"

Goshh is this creep even a stalker?😡😠😱

"Can you please stop?! Of course I won't!! It's just making my life horrible you know?" I said. Increasing my voice a bit so he would stop teasing me.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. Now shut the fuck up I'm sleeping" I turned to Jung kook and brush his hair slightly and Jung kook move a bit and he hugs me.

Omfg!! I will explode right now! 🤩
Wait... Taehyung was hugging me too.
Wtf men!? Urgh nvm I'll just stay with Jung kook instead of taehyung. He's such a weirdo. 🤣🤣👍👌

* * *
I wake up with the sunlight from the window and I noticed myself that..
they were both hugging me it looks like I'm only a teddy bear 🐻. And I look funny because.... Well back to reality. I sit properly on the bed and shake them harshly.

"Guys!! It's morning!! Wake up you sleepy heads! "

Still didn't response.

I sigh. "OK I'll go"
So I go out first without bothering them.. Then I look back at them and smile. "They look like real brothers"
Awwww. Suddenly I think of something again.

Waitt!! the thing that happened L-last n-night with t-Tae.. Aishhh!!! I don't want to think about him!! Oh come on y/n!!

I shake my head and walk straight to the kitchen.

Jin: Good morning y/n *smiles*

" Oh hi Jin oppa! Good morning too *with my cute smile*"

Jin: Awww why my Y/N always look beautiful in morning I like it

I chuckled. "Really? Ah Jin oppa stop teasing me"

Jin: I'm not. But it's true it's a compliment.

I smile shyly. "yahhh!! Thank you for that hehe"

Jin: Hehe.. Here I'm baking muffins for us all to eat.

I sat on the kitchen counter seat and sigh. "Where are the others?" I asked.

Jin: Ah theyre outside. How about you'll go there while waiting for this?

I rubbed my thighs. "No hehe its OK I'll just wait here, it's not that long to be cooked." He chuckled.

Jin: Right. Oh and by the way where is taehyung and Jung kook?

I look at the room they were sleeping and looks back at Jin oppa. "Oh ah they were still asleep. I tried to wake them up but they won't." I smile.

Jin: Oh, OK.
Suddenly the silence came but Jin asked me.


~To be continued~


Still stay tuned everyone
And today I'm so happy cuz my mom attended a bday party leaving her phone in me and yasssss this is the best time I can update moreeee... 👌👍😜😜

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