Chapter 4

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Hyejin's P.O.V

"Taehyung, What's the matter? Is there something wrong with that?"
Dad says.

"U-uh N-nothing Dad I just reacted"
He stuttered. Wth?? is that even true Taehyung??? Oh well,

I just kept silent the whole ride and fell asleep.....  


I woke up by a sudden loud noise of a beep of a car. I fluutered my eyes open and look through the window. Finally, were home, I wanna sleep da whole day because I felt dizzy today so yeah...

I hopped out of the car and went directly to the house. I opened the door first and greeted mom, soon they too greeted mom .

"Hello mom," I said.
She gave me a kiss on my cheek.
"Hello mom," Taehyung said.
Mom gave him a kiss on the cheek too.
He walked like a zombie upstairs and did'nt even look at seems like he's tired already?? or just wanted to sleep. LMAO

I put my bag on the sofa and sat on the chair resting my self on it. I saw mom cooking food for dinner. The smell of the food which is so familiar coming from the kitchen. My mouth started craving for food.

"How's school today Hyejin?" Mom asked.

"Well great mom, I enjoyed the whole day and also met my new friends and classmates especially BTS!!" I smiled.

"Good, Your Brother is one of the members os BTS are'nt you aware?"
She said while scooping the soup(sry I forgot to put the kind of food she was cooking). I sighed.

"I am mom, but I mean is the other members, " I said. She put the hot soup on the table and smiled at me.
"Ok, T-" She was about to finish her sentence but I cut her off.
"Mom I am just gonna change clothes and I'll be back" I went directly upstairs to my room. I locked it.
I pick an oversized T-shirt in my ckoset and a pair of shorts. I wore it.
When suddenly I heard mom shouting downstairs.

"Hyejin tell Taehyung that the food for dinner is ready, call him " I shouted back enough for mom to hear my responce.
"Yes Mom!!!!!!" After changing, I got out of my room and went to Taehyung's room. I slowly opened the door and peek inside.

he's watching TV..

I entered on his room and he noticed me. He gaved me a smirk on my face. I just ignore him.

"Taehyung, Mom said that we will be going downstairs for dinner" I juat stood up at the door waiting dor his response.

"Wait, I still need to finish watching this." He said while still looking at the TV. I swear I think he's still mad about the Jungkok thing.
"Ok" I said. I was about to go out of his room but suddenly he turned off the TV and I heard footsteps coming towards my direction to where I am standing. I gasped and I clenched my fist of nervousness.

He suddenly grabs my hand that makes me turn to him. He pinned me on a wall with his muscular arms. I am surprised of his sudden actions. He stared at me and leaned closer to me and whispered.

"Don't you ever tell this to Mom and Dad or else I will kill you and have your punishment. I also don't wan't that you will be having friends with that Jungkook!!" He scolded me.

Why does he really don't like Jungkook as a friend? What's wrong with him? He's not a murderer or whatever???

He kissed and bit my neck and I screamed.
"Mooomm!!!!" I tried to push him away but he was too strong.. He let the kiss more deeper and I let out a slight moan. I was a moan mess .

Until he released me and I am completely relieved. He look into my eyes and leaned closer.

"Remember the thing I told you, Btw I like the way you moaned" He smirked.

Fuck?? U Taehyung?? No Way!!!!

I glared at him and said.
" Fuck you!I will never!! and also tried to do it again on me, I will kill u and throw u in the sea FYI!! I'm not joking!! Do u think I'm happy?! N.O !!"
I shouted at him. He just smiled evily at me. I rolled my eyes and glare at him. He smirks.

"Bye Idiot!" he got out of the room, I followed him downstairs. I was about to sit beside mom but dad was the first who sat there so I sit infront of mom."Eat honey, " She smiles. I started eating the food. Taehyung came and sit beside me, because there are no other seat. I ignored him the whole hour and I can't stop replaying the thing that happened a while ago,
I can't move on and everytime Taehyung is around I am nervous, what if Tae will do that again?? I really need to stay away with him or else I will tell mom about this.. but Im scared... Aishhh nope Iwill not tell her about this.

"Honey? are you okay?  It feels like you have a big problem, just tell us." Mom said. I blink 2wice and snap back in reality.

"A-ah no mom I'm ok ehhe" She sigh and smiled at me.
"Taehyung, you are silent the whole dinner did you do something to hyejin?" He almost choked the food he ate.
"No Dad! why would I ever do such thing to her?? We're not even close!" He shouted. He looked at me and I gave him an evil glare. He darted his eyes off me. Dad lokk at the both of us
" Hyejin, did Taehyung did something bad to you?? Tell me, because my son is sometimes a liar."

Wow, I knew it! Your such a liar Kim Taehyung Thank god your dad told me about your attitude👍😈....

I rubbed my hands and looks at taehyung whom is glaring at me. I smirked.

" No Dad, He does'nt do bad thing at me I swear but if he did I, for sure will tell you about it" I said.

"Oh well let's see about that" I saw dad givong taehyung an evil glare..
We continue eating our food..

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