Sick: Part 1

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"(Y/N), you need to go to the doctor. You definitely have a fever." Tyler said placing the back of his hand on your forehead, checking your temperature. You didn't believe him, as you laid in bed with maybe twelve blankets on you, still shivering.

"I'm fine, it's just a cold. Don't you have a game to be getting off to?" You asked Tyler, not bothering to find the energy to open your eyes.

"I have a few minutes, can I get you anything before I have to go?"

"Ty, really, I'm okay." You replied, starting to get annoyed that he wouldn't just let you sleep.

"I'm just worried about you. You never get sick."You could hear the defeat and worry in his tone.

"I'm okay, I promise. I just need to sleep." You said to Tyler. You turned so that you were face to face with him, placing a soft kiss on his lips. "Can you go make me some soup?" You asked, mostly to give him something to do so you could go back to sleep. He nodded and kissed your forehead before leaving the room.

The familiar clacking of his designer dress shoes matched the pounding of your head. Tyler tried to be quiet but it was impossible in those shoes. It didn't matter though, you weren't letting yourself fall into a deep sleep until he left for the game, knowing he would just wake you up again. He walked over to your bedside, and quietly cleaned it up a bit, making room to set the bowl of soup down. You could hear him, but you didn't even have the energy to open your eyes let alone sit up and eat.

"Hey baby, I left the soup right on your table. It's really hot so give it a minute or two to cool down. I also found some ginger ale in the kitchen, so I grabbed you a glass of that, but I put a straw in it so you don't even have to sit up to drink it, and I left you some NyQuil, which will help you sleep through the night." He said, placing his hand on your forehead, moving a piece of your hair off of it. "I have to go now, but I'll text you after warm ups, and between periods if I can. Get some rest."

"Good luck, I love you." You have consciously whispered.

"I love you too." He said before placing the softest kiss on your forehead and tiptoeing out of your shared bedroom.

"(Y/N) feeling better?" Jamie asked as Tyler sat down in the stall next to him.

"No, and I'm starting to get worried, she never gets this sick and she won't go to the doctors." Tyler answered him, rubbing his hand over his face. He was exhausted and worried, but he knew he had to push it all aside to get through this game.

"If you're that worried maybe you should take her to the emergency room."

"We'll see, if she still has as high of a fever as she did earlier I will." Tyler said before putting on his chest pads. Jamie nodded back at him, understanding that Tyler really didn't want to talk about it and he needed to focus on tonight's game.

Thankfully, the Stars had won that game. Tyler didn't care though, all he wanted to do was go home and check on you. He didn't do any media, and rushed out of the arena as quick as he could, got in his car, and drove home.

He opened the door, taking off his shoes the second he walked into the house. Tyler then only said a brief hello to the dogs before going upstairs to your master bedroom. When he got there, he became even more worried than he was before the game. The soup and ginger ale was untouched, the NyQuil tablets still laid on your bedside table, and you were in the same exact position as you were before he had left. Tyler walked over to you, you face was flushed, all color drained from your cheeks, and your forehead was hot.

Tyler got up quickly but quietly, walking to the bathroom, where your first aid kit was, trying to find a thermometer. He didn't think he had one, but ever since you had moved in with him, he wasn't really sure what he had anymore. Luckily, he found one, and brought it back to take your temperature with.


Shit, that was worse than he thought it was going to be. Tyler didn't know what to do, so call texted Jamie, the source of all his knowledge.

"What's wrong, Tyler?" Jamie knew nothing good came from Tyler calling him late at night.

"(Y/N) has a high fever, but I don't think its high enough for me to take her to the hospital. I just don't know what to do." Tyler looked even more flustered than he sounded.

"Have her take a shower, the steam will help."

"Oh, good idea. Thanks." Tyler said shortly before hanging up the phone.

He walked back over to your bedside, and sat down on the edge of the bed. Slowly stroking your shoulder and telling you, faintly, to wake up.

"Tyler?" You slowly came to, putting your hand on your head, your headache still present. What time is it?"

"It's late, but I think taking a shower would be good for you, the steam will help. I'll take one with you, if you want."

"Tyler, no. I can't have shower sex with you right now." You answered, shaking your head slowly.

"No, I didn't mean sex, I just meant I can hold you. I know how tired you are, and I just want to help. Then, you just take the NyQuil I left out for you, and we can go to sleep." He said, not smiling, but he looked very content.

"Okay, but you're going to have to help me up." You said rubbing your hand over your face. You didn't even want to see what you looked like right now.

After you sat up, Tyler took your hands and helped you out of bed. He walked you to the bathroom. You leaned up against the countertop as he started the water. He stripped naked before helping you take off all of your clothes. He took your hand as you both stepped into the shower. Tyler pulled you into his arms, like he was giving you a really long hug. At first you felt dizzy, even in Tyler's arms, but then the water and steam started to hit your body and you felt relaxed. You stayed there with him for what seemed like hours, but honestly was probably only like 20 minutes.

You got out, Tyler grabbed a towel and wrapped you in it, before reaching for another one to wrap around his lower half.

"Stay here, I'll go get you pajamas."

You nodded in response, once again going to lean against the marble countertops in your bathroom. He quickly returned with a pair of booty shorts that you loved and your favorite one of his shirts to sleep in. The one he always left behind whenever he had to go on road trips because no matter how many times you wore it, it still smelt like him. It always made you feel better. He helped you change into them before braiding your hair tight enough so that it was out of your face, but loose enough so it was comfortable to sleep in, before picking you up and carrying you back to bed.

"Tyler, I can walk." You protested.

"I know, but you shouldn't have to, not when you're sick."

Gently, he placed you onto the bed. Tucking you in partly before you giving you the glass of ginger ale and the NyQuil.

"Here." He said. "Take these. I'll be right back, I'm just going to clean up the soup."

You took the pills and laid down, for the first time all day you checked your phone. As Tyler came back into he room, he shut the lights off and crawled into bed, wrapping his arm around your waist. You turned so you were chest to chest, facing him.

"Thank you."

"(Y/N), you don't have to thank me. This is what I'm here for. It's my job to take care of you."

"We have to take care of each other." You corrected him.

You couldn't see it, but you knew he that had playfully rolled his eyes at your comment.

"I love you." You said, before leaning in for a light kiss.

"I love you too." He whispered, running his hands through your hair. "Now go to sleep, we gotta get you feeling better."

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