Part one

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Nagisa's POV

I really can't stop laughing. I never had many friends until that middle school year. I can barely believe that we only have about two more months before we graduate from high school. My mother only let me start going to sleepovers about a year ago, she said that it wasn't ladylike. 

"Okay okay" Yūma starts "Ryūnosuke"

"Oh god" Rinka says

"Truth or dare"

"Uhhhhh" Ryūnosuke says "truth"

"LAMEEE" both me and karma say throwing our shared popcorn at him.

"Have you ever tried to spy on someone using a gun scope. If it has to do with our class it doesn't count."

"Oh yess" Karma and Rio say at the same time


"Answer the question, Ryūnosuke" now I'm laughing so hard that I'm falling on karma and he is snickering.

"Yes I have" his bangs are barely hiding his blush.

Over the passed hour the truth and dares that I got (or rather karma and I got) was sit on someone's lap for the rest of the night. Karma volunteered in order to have a chance to have a get out of dare card. (The rules of our game is if you volunteer to be a person that can get affected by the dare then you can have a chance to say no to a dare) Then karma got dared to do someone's hair. (I volunteered) then I got dared to have someone paint my nails (kaede volunteers) I got dared to eat a donut without hands. Karma got dared to make up a song about me using to tune to abc's.

And finally everyone had to go find koro sensei and ask him who he shipped the most. That ship had to act as a couple for the rest of the night. Yukiko called him and he was over in less then a min.

"Yeeesss" he said with that cheeky smile he always has.

"Who do you ship the most out of all of us?" Ritsu asked cheerfully.

"Ummmmmm" we all leaned in I honestly thought he was going to say tomohito and yukiko, but to my surprise and horror these are the names he said.... "If I had to pick one it would have to be Karma and Nagisa."

They did this!! They all planed this. I've known for a long time that everyone shipped us. (Except for a select few *cough* manami *cough*) they planned this night to a tee. All I could think about was how much I wanted to kill everyone in this room when my thoughts got interrupted. I felt an arm snake around my waist and pull me up against a person........... Karma.

"Welp I guess Nagisa and I," karma squeezed me a bit tighter "are a couple for the rest of the night."

Fine you wanna play that way. LETS PLAY!! I grab a pillow and hugged it and scooted up next to him I felt him tense up as everyone else started up the game again. Manami got dared to make a concoction in the toilet and drink it. Rio got a truth and had to share what her weirdest hobby was. Taiga got dared to tape porn to his chest and give it to people as flyers. By then I zoned out and just started to joke around with Karma. Now the night was getting a bit better all that was different was that we had to be all snuggled and shit...... just...... ugh. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. Karma is quite comfy despite all the muscle. I realized that I was slowly falling into a calming sleep while using Karma as a heat and pillow source.

"Nagisa" someone said I opened my eyes and smiled "truth or dare"

"Ugh..... dare"

"You and karma will have a kissing war," at this moment Karma and I both tensed up. "and whoever gets to 1,000 hit first wins!" Now I was pissed I stand up and start yelling.

Truth or dare (karmagisa)Where stories live. Discover now