Part 2

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Karma's POV

Yes, oh my god yes. Thank you rio. I've liked Nagisa for such a long time, AND RIO COUGHT ON!! She got me to tell her that I liked him, and then planned everything. She got the whole class into it. (Except manami) They all planned this. We planned that I would throw a sleep over, we'd play truth or dare, koro sensei would come over and do the couple thing, then the kissing dare, and we thought that would make him eventually like me. I didn't think it would go like this. I thought I would sneak a kiss in on him and get him all flustered. That would give me the upper hand.

That didn't happen. He got a BIG upper hand. And then it ended with us dating, and that brings us to now. We are now in my room with the entire class asking questions. I can tell that Nagisa is getting really uncomfortable.

"Ok guys," I stand up and unwrap a very anxious Nagisa from myself. "I think that is enough questions." I here a lot of groans as I walk over to the huge flat screen on my wall and go to Netflix.

"Oh come on Karma. Just one more question."

"Ok........ 47 meters under the sea!!"

"Oh god!!" One of the girls say.

"Fuck ya!!!!!" Screams one of the boys.

I put it on and grab some more popcorn and pop for Nagisa and I. Everyone found someone to hold onto for the movie. I turned off the light as it began and sat down next to Nagisa.

"Words cannot describe how much I hate you right now!!" He whisper yelled at me.

"Oh hush and watch the movie." I say as I pull him up close to me and lay back a bit more on the bed. Nagisa and I are at the top of the bed while Isogai and Maehara are at the bottom of it. They are doing this cute thing were Maehare is lying down on his stomach watching the show and Isogia is lying stomach down on Maehare's back with a blanket wrapped around them. (Just picture a burrito)

Nagisa sits in front of me and leans back on me. I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer. He grabs one of my hands that was wrapped around him and starts to play with it. HE'S SO FUCKING CUTE!! 20 hit for Nagisa. I put my head into his hair just enough so that I can still see the movie I lean back and bend down to kiss the back of his neck. 30 hit for Karma.

One week later.

After one week the total hit so far is 725 for Nagisa, and 705 for me. Ya he's winning but tonight I plan on ending this game. I had just finished setting everything up. I had put up Nagisa's favorite game in the x-box, made his favorite food (sushi) and bought his favorite candies and ice cream. I also got some other things that we can use later that night

"Some words of wisdom..... be safe kids" brought to you by ultra senpai Ultrafatcat

I pick up the phone and call him. He should be here right now. I hear three rings click

Nagisa's POV

Mom had been drinking. I can smell it from my room. Karma and I are going to hang out at his place tonight so I packed a bag of pjs and a pair of clothes then started to make a game plan. I'm going to slowly make my way down the stairs and run for the door. And right before I close it I'll say I'm going out. Mom doesn't like others to see when she hits me so if I make it out the door before she gets to me then I can tell her and she won't touch or stop me. I put my hair in a high bun so she won't be able to grab it and grab my bag. I swing it over my shoulder and put my phone in my pocket.

I open the door and slowly make my way down the stair as to not make a sound. The smell of alcohol fill's my nose as I get closer to the first floor. When I get to the last step I spring for the door.

"Where the FUCK do you think your going young lady." My mom slurs.

Then as I start to turn slowly to my mom my phone wrings. I pick it up and answer.


"Hi nagi I was-"


She threw a empty beer bottle at me and it broke on the door. It didn't hit me but the glass shards glided across my face and arm.


I dropped my phone. She jumped at me stabbed me in the abdomen with her pocket knife. She left the knife in my abdomen and punched my jaw.

"Nagisa?!" I heard karma question as he did other things (probably starting the car to come to my house) coming from the phone. She got off me and went back to the living room and continued drinking. Leaving me there. Lying in glass, cuts all over me, a bruised face, and a knife in the abdomen.

"Karma *cough*," I coughed up blood. "Help."

I winced as I touched the knife.

"Nagisa I'm 1 minute away!! Hang in there love I'm coming!!" Karma yelled in the phone. How long had I been on the phone. Karma lives 15 minutes away from my house. I'm disoriented. This isn't good. I'm losing too much blood.

The door opens and I hear sirens. "Police put your hands in the air." They put my mom in cuffs just as Karma runs past the police that were telling his to not come in.

"Oh Nagisa!!" He says as he picks me up bridal style and pushes past the cops and into the ambulance. He sits next to me as they start picking out glass.

"Sir can you help me." The women asks him.

"Yes! Anything!"

"Can you push down on the area around the knife." He starts pushing down and does what she says. His tears drop onto my cuts leaving it stinging.

"Karma, I'll be ok." I gave him a weak smile and put my hand over one of the ones that are pushing on my stomach.

"Oh god!!" Karma starts to cry harder making his shoulders bounce.

My vision starts to go blurry and then right before everything goes black I hear "oh shit! I NEED THE DEFIBRILLATOR!!"

"Nagisa.....p-please d-don't leave me-e."

Karmas POV

It's been three days and Nagisa still hasn't woken up. The doctors say he's fine, but I'm not leaving him. Koro sensei came since I missed school and gave me a lesson in the room and went through what we did, but I already knew it all so he was only here for an hour or so. All of the class has visited by now. People have came and gone but I haven't left the room once.

The room has its own bathroom and the nurse brings me food. I get up and go to the bathroom but when I get back I suddenly find myself crying, and not for a bad reason. When I get back I see Nagisa awake and sitting up in his bed. I run up to him, hug him, and cry into his shoulder.

"You asshole. You scared me!!" I yell at him, but it's muffled by his shoulder. He chuckles and hugs me back.

"I guess your date didn't go as you planned." I sit up and he puts his hand on my jaw then uses his thumb to wipe my tears away. I lean into his hand enjoying his soft loving touch. And as I put my hand on his he lifts the other and cups my face. He starts to pull me in to kiss me. I put my hands on either side of him in order to keep myself sitting up. We pull away from each other and just talk.

Nothing could make me happier

1366 words

Heyo it's me bright_eyed senpai. I'm loving this story so far and will be updating very soon. I just want to make things a little clear. In this world koro sensei ends up living and stays as there teacher. Now all of the kids are in 12th grade. I plan on making this go all the way to college. Things might not go that way but I can guarantee.

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