Part four

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Nagisa's POV

I fell asleep really quickly, as Karma put on some type of pop music. Tho I may have fell asleep quickly, I awoke to karma shaking me. "whaaaat?" I asked as I start to sit up in my reclined seat.

"We are stoped at a gas station, and I thought you might want to get some food or go to the bathroom." he stops and looks at me, examining my annoyed face. "I had to go to the bathroom and I'm hungryyyyyyyyyy!"

"fine," I get out of the car and step into the gasoline and fast food filled air, "but you are paying."

"yayyyy," he kisses me on the forehead and hands me 20 dollars. I watch as he jogs to the bathroom and turns around and shouts across the parking lot while jogging backwards, "love you!!" he turns back around only to be met with the bathroom door. "aW FUCK."

"YOUR AN IDIOT YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT!!!" I shout to him as I start to walk to the gas station.

"I KNOW BUT NOW YOU'LL HAVE TO KISS IT BETTER LATER!!!" he shouts back at me, thankfully there is only three other cars in the parking lot, both have no people in them. I assume they are in the 24/7 store, but I still hold onto my pocket knife juuuust in case.

I look behind me as I walk into the store, this proved to be the wrong thing to do as I ran strait into something. "owww." I turn back around to see who I bump into.

"I'm so sorry ar- OH MY GOD KAEDE!!!!" she looks up at me and all but jumps on me.

"NAGISA!!" she lets go of me and we start talking after exchanging pleasantries. "How are you? You didn't come back to school afte- um- the accident." she looks anxious. I assumed that it's because she think I have PTSD.

"Hey I'm fine, we actually are moving up to Tremain to go to Hanson university (those are made up names)"


"oh ya heh," I scratch the back of my neck as she fallows me around while I get some things for me and karma to eat. "I guess not that many know. Well me and Karma are moving in with Maehara and isogai."

"ohh, so that is what those two were talking about."

"Ya they aren't coming up until the end of school."

"oh okay." by now I'm at the check out counter. she looks a bit disappointed. "Are you ever coming down to visit?"

"I guess, this is were I grew up. I have to come see you guys when I can." she seemed a bit more happy when I said that. "well I think it's time for me and Karma to continue on to the apartment."

"okay," we hug and I turn around to head to the car and start to put my things in it. I turn around and we hug again before she gets into the passenger seat of her car "see you later."

I wave at her as I head to the bathroom to go before we continue the drive. When I get in there, I see no Karma. This worries me but I continue to do my business. After I finish I walk outside and look around..... but I see no Karma. Then I hear something, it sounded like moaning. I try to find the sound which leads me to the back of the bathrooms.

my breath hitches when I turn the corner. I see Karma kissing someone, but this curten someone is no stranger. The person I see kissing Karma is the one and only Okada. I thought for a moment if I should intervene, but I decide to stay and see what's behind this. I watch in silence as Karma pulls away. 

"Okada, I uh-" 

"Just shut up and kiss me." she pulls him in and starts to kiss him again. I cant watch this anymore. I start to move from my postion in the dark and start to walk over slowly while smiling. They don't notice until I get right in front of them, but by then its to late though I had only been walking for a few seconds. In one movment I push them apart and slap okada. I grab Karma by the bysep and drag him to the car. He might have been trying to talk to me, but to be honest, I wasn't listening. I didn't want to hear anything, I just wanted to eat what we bought and get some sleep. 

when we get to the car he opens the door for me and I get in as he rushed to the other side of the car. After he sits down we had a moment of silence as I rummaged through the bag and grabbed some food. After I handed him some type of small fry bag he trys to talk. "nagisa I-"

"just drive Karma," I look over at him and he starts the car. "I'm not in the mood" The rest of the drive was silent except for the occational asking of "do you need to go to the bathroom?" and "Hey can you drive for a bit? I really need some sleep." 

After around 3:00 in the morning Karma started to speak. "Hey Nagisa?" 


he pulled over and looks at me. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

I couldn't help but smile. "Karma, you did nothing wrong. She forced herself on you." he leaned in and almost kissed me "but," he stoped just in front of me. "No more sex for a month." 

"WHAT!!" He pulled back emediatly and looked like he was about to question me. " BUT YOU JUST-" 

"Nope, no questioning me, now keep driving." he looked dumbfounded but pulled back on the road and continued driving. 

"Only a couple more hours till we get home huh?" he glanced over at me while still driving.


"You should get some sleep so we can unpack everything tomorrow." 

"Okay," I yawned and pulled my blanket up from the floor and cover myself and quickly fell asleep. "night night." 

Right before I fall asleep I hear karma "I love you."

"love you to"

I told you I would post soon, guess what.......... ITS MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY BITCH!!! FUCK YA!!!!

You want to guess what I got from beka (@Ultrafatcat)....... SHE FUCKING GOT ME AOT COSPLAY STRAPS!!!!!! 


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