Part 3

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Karma's POV

"Karma I don't waaaaawwwwnnna" Nagisa says as I start signing paperwork so he can leave the hospital.

"So what your telling me is 'you want to leave this alcohol smelling place," I throw my hands in the air "but you want to sleep!'"

"Yup!!" I get up and hand the papers to the nurse as Nagisa flips on his stomach.

"Nagi, Rio brought you some clothes and you need to change so we can leave."

"noooOOOOO!!" He starts to raise his voice when I pick him up and set him in the bathroom.

"Change, and then we go get your stuff." I say as I throw clothes at him.

It's been a few weeks since the incident, and the doctors said he could leave now that he is healed. We have decided that he's going to live with me. So that's what we're spending the rest of the day doing. Moving all his clothes to our new apartment. We only have like a month left of high school so we are just moving in with each other. I bought one just outside of the campus. We are going to a very expensive school (curtesy of my mom and dad) so it's in the middle of an uptown area. I got us a very nice apartment. Isogai and Maehara are sharing one with us. They got into the school as well.

"Ready!!" Nagisa said in a sing song voice.

"Ok let's go!!" I say right back to him. We walk out to the car and start to drive to his place to pack. I've already packed and sent my stuff there. It's a day drive away, but it's worth it. Since we have a month until school ends, koro sensei said he'll visit us everyday and give us a private lesson. The reason why we can't stay here and go to school is because the land lord told us that we need to be there as soon as possible.

We were pulling out of Nagisa's driveway after a day packing. We have all his things in the bed of the pickup. He fell asleep right when he sat in the passenger seat. He had his head leaning on my shoulder, and I had my hand on his upper thigh. I decide that we'll go back to my place and sleep till 4:00 and then I'll drive for the entire day till we get to the apartment.

I pull up to my house, get out of the car, go to Nagisa's side of the car, pick him up bridal style, and take him to my room. I lay his frail body on the bed and get under the covers with him. He wraps himself around me and I take out his hair ties. We fall asleep in blissful peace.

Nagisa's POV

"Karma we need to go" I say as I shake his shoulder. It was 3:50 and I had just taken a quick shower after putting some water bottles, food, and energy drinks into the car.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmm okay" He starts to get up and kisses me on the nose. "Go start the car so it can warm up."

"Already done."

"K then you ready~" He starts to scoot closer to me and grabs the back of my neck to pull me closer to him. He starts to give me butterfly kisses all over my neck.


Karmas POV

He grabs onto my hair when I hit his sweet spot he moaned but tried to muffle it by putting his free hand over his mouth. I pull his hand away from is mouth and whisper "oh nagi.... I want to hear you~" into his ear. I move back down to his sweet spot and bit down on it.
"*gasp* K-Karma" I lick up his neck and move up to his lips. I slowly kiss him and bite his bottom lip asking entrance. He decides to tease me and not open. Okay I see how it is. I slowly creep my hand up his shirt. He still didn't open, so I pinch his nipple. He gasps and I slide my tongue into his mouth. We battle for a short time and I won. I explore his mouth a bit then feel him tug at the bottom of my shirt as if to ask me to take it off. I pull it over my head and he does the same with his shirt. I push him up against the head board. And he starts to kiss my neck as he did that I snake my hands into the sweatpants he put on before he woke me up and slowly put them off. I could tell he was getting frustrated when he couldn't find the spot. I smile to myself as I through the sweats on the floor next to the bed.

"*gasp*" he licks from the top of my ear to the bottom.

"Found it." He whispers into my ear and I shudder at the feeling of his breath. He starts to nibble on my ear and I grit my teeth in order not to moan. He pulls away to (I assume) look at what he's just done to me. I take this as my chance to take control over the situation. I put one hand on one side of his head and hold the other up pointing three of my fingers at him. "Suck" he folds his arms and makes this cute pout face.


"Come on nagi, don't tease me right now~" I scoot up closer to him and start to give him butterfly kisses down his neck. He try's to push me away while laughing.

"Okay okay." I pull away and he takes my hand "I'll suck your fingers......." he had such a confused face while he starts to cover my fingers in saliva. He so innocent. After they are completely coated, I pull them out of his mouth.

"I'm gonna need you to take your boxers of~" I say with a smirk. He turns bright red and slowly takes them off and sits on his knees. "Ok  now come here." He starts to scoot over to me, but I get less patient so I pull him onto my lap so that he is facing me with his back against the  head board.

"I still don't understand why I had to suck your fingers-" right before he finishes I put one of my fingers inside him. "Ow ow ow ow." I put the second in and kiss him to distract him from the pain. I move the two that were already in there around and feel him start to cringe. I put the third in and move them them around.
"Mm mm" he mutters into the kiss.

"I know" I pull away trying to comfort him. I move them around until. I can tell it doesn't hurt him anymore. I pull them out and take off my boxers. "Ok nagi this is going to hurt a bit." Then I slowly insert myself into him.

"Owwwwwweeeeeeee" he screams into my shoulder and grips onto the bedding.

"I know nagi, I kn-now~" I try to distract him by running my hand through his hair. "I-it'll feel go-od after you get used to it." I didn't move for a minute so that he could get used to it, but after a minute my leg was cramping so I started shifting around slowly only to stop when I heard nagi.

"A-ah K-Karma~" I guess I found his sweet spot.

"It s-seems you got-t used to-o it~"  just to make sure I move to hit that spot again.

"Kar- Ahhh" yep I found it. I readjust to a different position, and thrust over and over in that same spot. As I do that the room is filled with grunts and moans.

After we finished I fall on top of him and kiss him. Then he wraps him arms around my neck to extend the hug. I look at the clock and see that it's 4:14.

"Let's go take a quick shower and then start the drive." I say to a Nagisa that looks like he's about to pass out.

"Okay~" he sits up and reaches for me to carry him to the bathroom. I roll my eyes and take him with me. After a quick shower that involved him washing my hair after saying "I already took one but you look and smell like you ran a marathon." He was right even though we both just had sex he still smelled and looked just as nice as ever (if not better).

We get out of the shower, get dressed, lock the doors, and start the day long drive at 4:35.

1470 words

Heyo, it's me, bright_eyed senpai. Sorry I didn't update in so long (I went camping). So to make up for that I wrote some smut. I hope you like it. (It's my first time writing smut). The thing that got me through it was just imagining a very confused and not wanting to comply Nagisa.

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